LST Blueberry CFL grow!! First grow! Lot of pictures!


Well-Known Member
You said you feed your plant every other day?
That's WAY too much food, your going to over feed. A plant should be fed food when needed, or at least every 3-4 waterings.

They do however look very happy and healthy!


You said you feed your plant every other day?
That's WAY too much food, your going to over feed. A plant should be fed food when needed, or at least every 3-4 waterings.

They do however look very happy and healthy!
I don't give them too much of it, only 140 ml,their always bone dry the next morning and they seem to be thriving. I check everyday for nute burn just in case though.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the damage won't show for a few weeks, and that's usually because the plant will start to develop salt crystals around the roots and will prevent the roots from properly intaking the food it needs. The best method is to give your plant 1/8-1/4 strength nutes, and the next 1/4-1/2 and so on all the way to full dosage if it needs it, sometimes they like more. I would hold off on feeding it again untill you water a few times...and i would defenetly flush the plants asap, trust me, your going to end up wondering what's goig on....and more times then not a person will mess everything up by giving it MORE food...when it's clearly not the case.

I have grown a few strains where i have only givin the plant 1 feeding in veg and 1 feeding in bloom cause that's all it needed.

Just wondering if you got my last post about your lights. I reccomended you get more cfl' need at least 4 per plant to grow any decent sized buds...remember that the bud will loose up to 70% of it's size when drying...i've seen some happy growers bragging about there cfl buds, and then crying when there dry!
aye wuss good brah hope everythangs going good.
as for the blueberry mines never really smelled even during flowering, but it did have like a sweet smell to it, could of been the mollasses i added.
but as for taste it really tasted like blue berry cobbler imo, probably from the molasses i added too haha.


Molassesses is awsome to use throughout the entire grow...i use it from week 1 to harvest time.
I'll have to use it on my next grow, I've read a lot of good things about it.

Update: No major changes worth posting pictures of. The buds are getting bigger and thats about it. Going to take your advice and add a couple more cfls in there , theres 7 at the moment but you can tell that some spots on the plant aren't getting enough light.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to use it on my next grow, I've read a lot of good things about it.

Update: No major changes worth posting pictures of. The buds are getting bigger and thats about it. Going to take your advice and add a couple more cfls in there , theres 7 at the moment but you can tell that some spots on the plant aren't getting enough light.
Mke sure you get the right kind...i can't remember what it is...there's 2 styles of molasses, and you need the one kind...wish i could remember...sorry!
Mke sure you get the right kind...i can't remember what it is...there's 2 styles of molasses, and you need the one kind...wish i could remember...sorry!
You want the completely organic ones, straight molasses no additives or any thing. Probably find it at a Organic grocery store