lst,am i doing this right?pics

DSC_0205[1].jpgyo guys so how is she looking the first pic is of her only 3 days ago when i first tied her down,i no shes not big but im just trying to learn a few things on my first grow,thanksDSC_0220[2].jpgDSC_0221[2].jpgDSC_0222[2].jpgDSC_0223[2].jpg


Active Member
Hey mate..

First of all, you look good.
Second, you have to be patient, some guys that see your post aren't experienced enough (or in the mood) to answer.

Ok, talking about LST, the first thing you have to know is how you want your lady to grow. If you want her to grow around your pot or sthn, yes, that's a good start, even though I'm a believer of early LSTing. I mean 1st to 2nd week.
I guess here you're not trying to LST in a specific way (you have the space as you say), so if you're asking if you did tie your lady right, yes, you did. :mrgreen:


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
You have done okay, she seems to be tied down decent, hope it goes well, best of luck!
Dr. Jekyll

Those yellow tips ought to be telling you something is not correct, as you ain't going to grow shit if your plants have health issues already
Mr. Hyde
thanks guys yeh i have two more smaller ones that im about to start which are only on there second set of leaves,and i thinks its were my lamp got to close to my plants when i was fucking about with my tent iv started to pull the burned edges off then decided to leave them,lesson learnt move plants out when ever working on a job big or small not woth the risk,thanks again guys


Active Member
Plants are a little small but look healthy, either you flowered them wayyyy to early or you started from clones by the looks of it? What kind of pumps, lighting, nutrients, are you using? Ill be able to help out alot more if i had that info. Best of luck
hi there its small because of the strain its a low ryder1,i have a 60x60x150 monster bud tent,1 200w red spec cfl,1 105w blue cfl,im using bio bizz all mix soil,i have bio bizz veg and bloom nutes along with some big bud power,i have this plants along with two others a auto afghan mass and a auto skunk #1 ,thanks again