LST - am I doing it right?


Active Member
So I decided to use one of my cheese mothers to practice Low stress training on. She’s a little big but the stem seems limber enough. I need to get this growing method down ASAP so I can use in on my next boat of clones.

I'm trying to wrap the plant along the outside of the pot, to eventually create a full circle.
Ties 1.jpg

Ties 2.jpg

I highlighted these two branches because I wasn’t sure if I should tie them upward so they are facing the light or if I should let them go naturally.

Tie Branches.jpg

Also, should I lollipop these fan leaves now? Or would it be better to keep that extra photosynthetic surface?


Well-Known Member
looks good to me man. as long as you are exposing a part of the plant that is not usually exposed to light i think your doing it right


I am looking to do this with my mothers. I don't think there is any certain way. I have seen people just hold down the main stem with fishing weights. I think its just a simple is creating the most amount of nodes so like Kaleo said, as long as you are exposing other parts of the plants to light then you are doing it correctly. Nice pics


Active Member
dnt forget to untie them for a day or two ,, well tht wat i do after they been growing in the direction u want them too, i let them loose for couple of days then just bend again at the point where the stem starts growing upwards again...