Lsd - what to expect?

Ahh,so u DID get spun....
hell yeah, bet u 10$ if i gave that same dose to some of my friends first time doing it they'd freak out bad, they wouldn't know how to handle that shit

i remember i had a big piece of wool on my floor what caught my eye and turned into a skull made out of blue sponge what made me feel like throwing up, got rid of it immediately



You kill me rory
I don't know what LSD is like today, but 20 years ago i did it a handful of times. It was AWESOME! The best times of my life were on Acid.. It wasn't scary.I had no paranoia or fears.. It was exhilarating and fun. My face hurt from laughing so much. I felt sober though, not like being drunk or high. Just take it easy, as with all drugs.. Be amongst good friends, have something fun to do and Eat half and see what happens. Nothing is worse than getting too high.

I did shrooms a few times too, but I don't think the buzz can compare to LSD.
Mushrooms all the way, unless you want your mind fucked for the next month from acid. You will be thinking of changing your life for a couple days after, did me anyway, I couldn't think right for a month after. And do not go into public places, you feel everyone knows what you're up to and they're going to get you busted some how, I did anyway. I remember stopping at a convenient store in a old camaro, all my friend get out and leave both doors wide open to where cars can't park on either side, people start staring at me and wondering why I'm just sitting there in back seat with crazy dialated eyes, hiding my face, one person got mad and started talking shit but all I could hear was WA WA Wan wanwawan, like the telephone from Charlie brown, my dumb friends were inside for what seemed like an hour, probably two minutes though, buying sodas and chips like we were gonna eat anyway, probably would've choked on the food, then we head up a mountain road for an hour to get to a party, friend driving is frying balls by the way, we find the party, stay for about five minutes, drive back home for another hour and half and watch tv, which was the best part of it all, only time I actually visually hallucinated was watching tv, best thing to do imo hang at home, make sure no one shows up knocking, have close friends with you, also frying preferably. Trust me though, get shrooms and fuck that acid shit, you will feel completely normal once you come down from shrooms, doesn't last 13 hours either.

HAHAHa... You wouldn't believe my anxiety level after reading this :)

Yea, I agree, you'll feel more normal after shrooms.... just don't over do it.. I'll say it again... Do not over do it!... Eat a little and see what happens.
There are plenty of contradiction in that,starting at the "most people" schtick..
Journalists are just that, and the last acid head journalist shot himself...
I can name ten people right now who eat 500ug when they trip,and most L is more than heavy..not for nothing, but some guy asking questions to his frat brothers/doing research is not tge same as taking ten hits himself...