LSD weed! ha


Well-Known Member
talking to a friend today and was talkin about laced weed he smoked *nyquil*
and he brought up acid and hydro.
i was thinking is it possible to but some LSD in ur resiovour and pump it into ur plants maybe 3 days before harvest and have some trippy weed?


Active Member
no, LSD has a half life of a few days when applied to heat such as the flame it is broken down almost instantly... sorry besides if you can get that much acid why not just dose the hell out of it and trip for weeks?


Well-Known Member
IF your going to smoke weed, smoke it and use it as is.. Don't mix it with other bullshit.. like LSD.


Well-Known Member
Put .5 grams pure LSD crystal per gallon of water for the first 2 weeks of flower. You have to flush for an extra week too (last 3 weeks of flower should be fine). To the moon!


Well-Known Member
i used to get alot of acid a couple years back.. i mean ALOT.. bibles.. a friend of mine and myself took 10 hits, cut them up, and rolled them into a blunt with some crip and conspired to smoke it with our unsuspect girlfriends.. We were already trippin balls but the girls werent so we wanted to use them as our guinea pigs to see if it had an effect.. it did not.. smoking lsd doesnt do anything


Active Member
A long long time ago...... in a high school far far away........

my buddy would roll paper blotters into the end of the joint like a turbo,
so when your lips touch the doob you get a little lsd on your lips.

now a-days I am scared of acid. ha ha (no really)


Active Member
Like I said before, LSD is not a very stable compound... in the way that when it is exposed to light or heat it breaks down very if you were to put it in something you were going to burn you would feel nothing of the LSD other then a Placebo effect.. thats science if you chose not to believe me thats fine. *shrugs*


Well-Known Member
Actually greenhouse seeds are releasing a strain called LSD end of this year or begining of next...i tink its named that for a reason, dunno, gotta wait n see