LSd tolerence


Well-Known Member
Yea you should be all set on a test because it's legal. Poppy seed foods are rumored to cause you to fail too and are also legal. I would guess you can list that you are on it before the standard test (not sure what 5 point picks up) to avoid any problems.

I thankfully have no tests to worry about now but am getting more interested in kratom hearing you talk about it. I have read about it's use for increasing lucid dreams that I thought was interesting but didn't know of the enjoyable thc satisfying high I could get from it. I will have to order some soon.


Well-Known Member
just cause its legal doesnt mean i can do it. Like im not allowed to drink cause im in like a drug treatment/probation mixed thing. Dont worry im only in the drug treatment cause i convinced them the 24 plants they got me with were personal.


Well-Known Member
It wont show, it does not work on the same opiod receptors as the stuff they do test for.


Well-Known Member
ok, well should i grow it or just buy the leaf powder? and do i snort it, eat it or something else?


Well-Known Member
I'd get powder or crushed leaf as resin tends to be very variable.
I normaly just mix with a bit of water and throw it down the hatch.
Bit of an aquired taste, similar to sucking a teabag. Its aslso good in social situations as it can realy get a room full of people animated pleasantly.


Well-Known Member
KT botanicals always sells top level stuff. Bit more pricey than average, but you get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
Is there a large tolerance difference in a week between trips and 2 weeks?
the physical "tolerance" should be over in one week - but, it is like going to a theme park multiple times or watching the same movie - the novelty and shock value can seem much fresher with a break in between..


Well-Known Member
ok, well my friend tripped this weekend, and were gonna trip next weekend so ill will have a two week break and him a 1. I bet ill have more fun.


Well-Known Member
you will probably have the more intense tripping experience - but, your friend will have a good time too - he may be more in control of his faculties - there are so many ways of enjoying the psychedelic experience - you might have fun staring at a rock wall while your friend plays a game of checkers with himself... i have never really reached a point where the trip feeling was mundane even though i used to dose every weekend in high school..


Well-Known Member
Well i thought since the smell was contained inside my house, but i guess i got used to it and didnt notice it linger outside. I went cheap and thought i didnt need a carbon filter, i kno i kno stupid mistake but i learned a big lesson. Anyways a neighbor called on the smell, assholes.


Active Member
Well i thought since the smell was contained inside my house, but i guess i got used to it and didnt notice it linger outside. I went cheap and thought i didnt need a carbon filter, i kno i kno stupid mistake but i learned a big lesson. Anyways a neighbor called on the smell, assholes.
Shiit man :/ bad times


Well-Known Member
God bless carbon filters. I remember using Ona before I buckled down and properly set up my grow room with a CF. The whole place stunk of citrus weed lol. Oops, this isn't 'indoor growing', my bad ;)


Well-Known Member
THinking I'm going to plant alot of jasmin outdoors to mask the smell, I only grow outdoors, can't afford canned sunlight.


Well-Known Member
'Canned Sunlight' I love that. It's true the equipment is not cheap. Indoor growing is one expensive hobby. I wish I had the land and privacy to take advantage of Mother's 'free' light lol No artificial light even comes close ;)


Well-Known Member
'Canned Sunlight' I love that. It's true the equipment is not cheap. Indoor growing is one expensive hobby. I wish I had the land and privacy to take advantage of Mother's 'free' light lol No artificial light even comes close ;)
yeah no shit ive spent over 6 grand on the hobby and im only 21 years old


Well-Known Member
Well i thought since the smell was contained inside my house, but i guess i got used to it and didnt notice it linger outside. I went cheap and thought i didnt need a carbon filter, i kno i kno stupid mistake but i learned a big lesson. Anyways a neighbor called on the smell, assholes.

Same thing happened to me man. I couldent even smell it, I was growing a "low odor" strain at the time so I thought it must not smell very much. Actually it really wasnt to bad but the landlord came in the house...........And I had a carbon filter! I was waiting on another damn fan. I was suppose to order one then my girl and roommate both lost there jobs so I had to support everybody. Bad times for sure........