LSd tolerence

24 hours is not long enough to wait - i have done it and had ZERO effect - if wasting the hits means anything to you then you need to wait at least 48 hours from the end of the last trip - one week is better for a full, rejuvenated trip..
Acid tolrerance is stupid... you if you have a drop one day and have another the next day it wouldent hit you.. I like to leave it a week inbetween any trippy substance im taking.. but even a week is a bit of a tolerance... i just hate waiting xD
Acid tolrerance is stupid... you if you have a drop one day and have another the next day it wouldent hit you.. I like to leave it a week inbetween any trippy substance im taking.. but even a week is a bit of a tolerance... i just hate waiting xD

yea its the waiting i dont like, cause i cant drink or smoke pot in between so im soooooo bored.
ya.. i think a full 48 hours should be enough since you are so eager.. it is a funny thing - it is not as if you have just built up a resistance to the chemical - it is because your brain's chemical links are disturbed in a way that they need time to refill and unbind before you can disturb them again... so - you also can't take shrooms one day and LSD the next - they are different compounds, but your brain reacts in very much the same way so that there is cross tolerance..
ya.. i think a full 48 hours should be enough since you are so eager.. it is a funny thing - it is not as if you have just built up a resistance to the chemical - it is because your brain's chemical links are disturbed in a way that they need time to refill and unbind before you can disturb them again... so - you also can't take shrooms one day and LSD the next - they are different compounds, but your brain reacts in very much the same way so that there is cross tolerance..

Cross tolerance is indeed an issue. But lsd and psilocin mushrooms differ in some aspects as mushrooms is wholly a tryptamine as lsd is a combination of three, which are the following: lysergamide, tryptamine, and phenethylamine. Who says you cant trip two days in a row... you most certainly can but you must consume may to feel the effects. It's just not the wise thing to do!
I did mushrooms and 2c-c 2 days apart, and there was no problem at all with tolerance. Although, the day I took 2c-c, I had taken about 5 beer bongs, and and endless amounts of beer and weed. Lol
it isnt a total tolerance you can take more acid next night and still come up anf ly nicely just dont be expecting just the one tab to get you there
It's all been said before, but please take it easy with the psychs. They are not the sort of thing to abuse. I know from first hand experience in my abusive teen years. Please respect them and they will respect you. Be safe ;)

As far as tolerance goes, as Ndanja mentioned, you most certainly can trip consecutive days, but dosages need to be at least doubled each subsequent time to reach a threshold experience IME. But very hard on mind and body. Not a particularily good idea.
Ok so i took 4 blotter hits of acid on Thursday about 7:30 at night. Anyways i want to take about 9 sweet tarts that have been dropped with acid/lsd tonight(friday) at about 10 o clock. So my question is that of tolerance, do you think i should take them or wait a few more days to trip fully?

Dude no way lol wait at least a week
I suggest waiting. Our Canadian friend has it right in that on each subsequent day, one has to double the dose from the previous day. 2,4,8,16,32,64,128. As you can see, you start to consume just ridiculous quantities of LSD, after just a few days.

Who can afford that nowadays? Back in the day, when it was available in quantity for pennies a piece, it was easy to consume mass quantiities, and still be able to afford it. We were high for months at a time. :)

Sure, there is a price to be paid for that level of indulgence, however, You can give me five, I'm still alive, and it ain't no luck...
Hey man, why would you replace pot with psycedelics, not realy the same thing is it?
I.d rather order some kratom leaves and get used to drinking that, I doubt they test for it, and yet it feels very similar to being stoned, also takes away the desire or fiending (depending on your level of addiction).
Well i had replaced pot with fake pot till they started testing for that. I am interested in kratom, but i gotta 100% know it wont show up. Thats why i do acid, i know it wont show up.
They just don't test for it, not even sure its illegal in your neck of the wood.... we certainly have no problem getting it through customs over here.

Kratom is a controlled substance in Thailand, Bhutan, Australia, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, Malaysia and Myanmar (Burma).
I think that I read in these forums that kratom uses opiate receptors. Would this cause you to fail a standard 5 point test?
I don't have much experience with LSD tolerance myself having only tried it a couple times. Ndanga please pm if you could be so kind and lead me in the right direction and help me change that. :-o

As for phenethylamine tolerance you may want to wait at least a day or two before redosing. At the beginning of September I consumed a large dose of mescaline from some San Pedro. Awesome experience :-P. The following night I took a pretty moderate dose of 2CI. I found myself taking more 2CI as I wasn't feeling much of the effects. Hardly any visuals which is uncommon. Overall I feel like I wasted a valuable experience by not waiting. Since all three of the substances mentioned are at least part phenethylamine I hope this helps a little.