LSD purity


It not really a matter of purity... Most of the LSD is great. It is a matter of how much they put on a hit. What you have to worry about is all the stuff that is not LSD. I don't know about getting test kits where you are but I'm over eating anything I have not tested. Some bad bad shit that can be passed off as LSD........ LSD it self is fine, if you know you have LSD.
Purity is not an issue only if you don't care about your health or how clean your trip is. LSD-25 is a Semi-synthetic compound that comes from Ergot, a fungus that attacks rye, which also contains many ergot-alkaloids other than LSD-25 which can end up making there way to the blotter. SKuxx said it for me - "I've had some that hurts your stomach... hurts your muscles and joints... and some that doesn't do any of that." LSD-25 does not cause any known physical damage but these other chemicals which CAN affect you physically and mentally, making purity much more important than most people realize, especially for users who prefer larger doses. The potency of most blotter has gone down a lot in the past years for multiple reasons. Also if you buy a test kit and its positive for LSD, does that mean the LSD is 100% pure? As for Australia I have no idea the purity of a street level dose, but that varies everywhere so... Hopefully Owsley showed someone down under the tools of the trade before his time was up (Rest in Peace BEAR) . Your best bet is to find that one connection you can trust and stick with them like they're your family. Purity matters.


Well-Known Member
Or people could learn to make LSD the same way Bear did. Acquiring a knowledge of chemistry and reading the appropriate literature. He had to pay $0.50 for a copy of the patent. We don't even need to do that anymore. Also I've had Cafergot for migraines before, they have 1mg of ergotamine which is way more than would ever be in a hit of acid and they don't cause the stomach issues that can happen with LSD. No one can say for sure what causes them, but stomach upset has been reported on Sandoz LSD.


Or people could learn to make LSD the same way Bear did. Acquiring a knowledge of chemistry and reading the appropriate literature. He had to pay $0.50 for a copy of the patent. We don't even need to do that anymore. Also I've had Cafergot for migraines before, they have 1mg of ergotamine which is way more than would ever be in a hit of acid and they don't cause the stomach issues that can happen with LSD. No one can say for sure what causes them, but stomach upset has been reported on Sandoz LSD.
REVOLUTION NOW! I've thought for a while too it would be much more beneficial to the psychedelic community if research could be done into growing ergot under perfect conditions as one would with a marijuana plant to get better yield and/or quality product. I have no idea whether this would actually bring any benefit towards the final product but it seems rational to me that it would be beneficial in one way or another. But then again their are probably people out there already attempting such a sweet feat.


Well-Known Member
Or people could learn to make LSD the same way Bear did. Acquiring a knowledge of chemistry and reading the appropriate literature. He had to pay $0.50 for a copy of the patent. We don't even need to do that anymore. Also I've had Cafergot for migraines before, they have 1mg of ergotamine which is way more than would ever be in a hit of acid and they don't cause the stomach issues that can happen with LSD. No one can say for sure what causes them, but stomach upset has been reported on Sandoz LSD.
I'm not saying L can't cause a stomach ache, but I know for sure if you dwell on it any psychedelic can manifest physical symptoms.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't require psychedelic drugs to manifest physical symptoms through thought. you can do that sober.


Well-Known Member
Or people could learn to make LSD the same way Bear did. Acquiring a knowledge of chemistry and reading the appropriate literature. He had to pay $0.50 for a copy of the patent. We don't even need to do that anymore. Also I've had Cafergot for migraines before, they have 1mg of ergotamine which is way more than would ever be in a hit of acid and they don't cause the stomach issues that can happen with LSD. No one can say for sure what causes them, but stomach upset has been reported on Sandoz LSD.
Which comes around to the original issue. If LSD is active in mcg doses but even the related impurities are active in significant fractions of a milligram - AND blotter (or gel doses) does not effectively bear such significant fractions of a milligram, then how impure can a dose of LSD actually be? of course there is the issue of multiple blotters. That is, if a given blotter contains only say 75 mcg of LSD and it can contain .25 mg, taking more than 4 of them could concieveably incur "dirty" reactions in the taker.In the old days, when LSD was in tablet form, we were always certain that there were large portions of contamination of some sort or another. I doubt that was actually so but you never know when someone might want to "enhance" the original experience.I do recall however, aquiring several hundred tabs of LSD that was laid on Methadone. The acid tended to "burn" through the methadone in fairly short order but the come on was smooth as silk. We didn't have that batch very long.