LSD has changed the way I view life.. In a beautiful way

Last night I had the most mind blowing experience ever.. I took 1 hit of LSD and jst went on the most life changing expirience into my TV with my friends tht i had ever gone on.. it was almost like going on adventures and jst seeing what life is.. and how it unfolds.. i saw every little aspect of my life and saw it unfolding and it just made me realize.. The media jst makes drugs seem like such an awful thing, all the people in my life who do not approve of drugs think that I am just going to end up the biggest fuck up ever.. Cause thts what the media makes drugs look like.. but what I realized is that.. Every individual has their own life.. you do what you want.. you don't have to listen to anyone or anything.. don't listen to the haters that are telling you your fucked.. you can still be a successful person.. the reason drugs have such a bad image is because of the people that do drugs.. some of them are such fuck ups.. criminals.. drop outs.. but the thing ive come to realize is.. fuck ups, criminals and drop outs do drugs.. drug users aren't fuck ups, don't commit crimes and don't drop out.. they are two COMPLETELY different things.. and the media and the public only focus on the fuck ups who do drugs and that just gives them such a horrible image.. people get so wrapped up in what society and the public think that once they get into drugs they think they are fucked and jst.. give up on life.. but u have to come to realize.. there is so much more to life than what meets the eye.. we live in a world where the goal is to go to work, make money, be successful.. that is the one thing that moves and motivates people... and people think that if you want to do that you have to be a clean, non drug using, strait edge, non adventurous person.. but what I realized is that you can still have all these great memories.. great adventures.. u can live life on the edge and do stuff that doesn't seem so smart to other people but seems like a damn good idea to u.. and still come out in the end without a scratch on you.. I realized life is such a fucking roller coaster.. u jst gtta ride it.. and u control whether u end up in the shit hole.. dnt listen to haters.. dont let people tell u tht ur gnna end up nothng.. tht ur gnna make nothng of urself.. ur gnna end up without a job and live a horrible life.. U control where u go.. if you want to do drugs and party hard and still get strait As in high school and get a degree in college and have a family and a wonderful job and make good money.. go right ahead.. you do what you do.. don't let anybody else tell you what your goin to do in life.. u control it and thats final.. I am so happy I had this expirience.. I really realized what life is last night.. every person has their own unique stories and ways that they live out life.. and just cause the kid that was in your class who dropped LSD and smoked weed ended up a fuckup.. killing people.. shooting heroin everyday.. doesn't mean thats what you have to end up like.. u decide who u r in life.. u decide who u end up being.. and i fucking love it !!!!! do what you do ! and don't let anyone else decide tht for u

and to all u haters :finger:


As long as you don't start likeing acid to much. I've had a couple of friends that were just to into it, and they ended up being fuck ups. Don't want to sound like your mom, I love the buzz myself.
As long as you don't start likeing acid to much. I've had a couple of friends that were just to into it, and they ended up being fuck ups. Don't want to sound like your mom, I love the buzz myself.
its not even something i like dude.. its something i respect.. like i dnt just do it for the fun of tripping.. i do it for the spiritual aspect mah nigga.. i learn so much about myself.. i have so much more insight on reality its crazy.. its something i don't even want to do all the time.. jst something on a blue moon to make me think about life


Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I knew the right people around my city. I've only tripped on LSD twice in my whole life.. just turned 29 years old two weeks ago. I'm getting too old to being doing it.. but I've been wanting to trip one more time.. before I hit the big 30 next year. Yeah, don't see that happening though.. because once again I don't know the right people. Sucks.. but what can ya do eh?

I remember my last trip though.. and what a fucking trip it was. Long story short, I went along with 3 other of my friends to Memphis, Tenn. for the 'Memphis in May Concert' and 'Dub Magazines' car show that they had. This was back in 2006 though.. I still got my ticket stubs from everything we did that night. But yeah, man.. I just remember walking up and down and around the block of Bill or Beal Street.. (spell check please..) and just hearing/smelling/feeling every sense that I had. I remember seeing all the bright neon signs at all the clubs as I walked by in front of the doors down the sidewalk with my buddy (the other two pussies went back to the hotel (Hotel Rondevouze, the one with the freaking walking ducks that come out the elevator and all that stuff.) and went to bed. Anyhow, i just remember my senses just being like EXTRA EXTRA powerful and sensitive at the same time. The lights from the neon signs at the bars and restaraunts as I walked by.. the music from all the clubs and bars and restaraunts was just so vivid and amazing.. it was like the music flowed through my body..

but yeah, we ended up walking all night long pretty much. we both ended up probably taking at LEAST 3 hits each. I know it was at least that many.. because the third time we went back to the 'hippy park' to get another hit each.. my buddy lost his cell phone somewhere along the way.. or someone took it from him and he didn't realize it because we were tripping hard by this time. And then, after we went and got some breakfast.. we decided to head back to our home state because all of us had to be at work that next Monday morning. So we all hop into dudes vehicle.. and we started heading out of town. Well, my buddy and I decided that we should probably make one last pit stop and see we seen anyone that we seen last night still there (because the Memphis in May thing goes nonstop all the way until Monday morning at 12am midnight. i think) and sure enough dude was still there, same guy we got all the other hits from the night before. So we stopped, and our buddy said he was going to go around the block and come back around. So we walk over to the hippy park, and both get another 2 hits each.. by that time our buddy was coming back up the road to pick us back up. So we get back in the vehicle.. we make a right hand turn at the stop sign.. then we stop at the second stop sign.. and then out of fucking nowhere these two Memphis Bicycle cops come flying up to both sides of the vehicle and surround us (we were smoking some kill.. and had the windows cracked a little too far.. and the cops actually said that they could see the smoke billowing out the windows while we stopped at the stop sign. The cops get all of us out the car.. pull me and the dude sitting next to me in the car,, to around the back of our friends car and quietly asks me 'Whos marijuana and bowl is that?" I wasn't going to fucking rat/narc on my best friend.. I grew up with the guy. That wasn't going to happen. Finally, our buddy admits and says "hey its mine sir.. its all my stuff." So they let the three of us go.. and take our friend to jail. So now, not only was our friend going to jail.. but now we're fucking stranded in fucking Memphis, Tennessee and tripping fucking balls!!!

So we all walk back to the hotel to sit in the lobby and ponder to come up with a plan to get back home before Monday morning. Finally, we decided to take a cab over to the airport.. and then rent a car from the airport to get home. So we go and rent the car.. and some where along the line, we lost our other friend. Miss ya "Bercher!!" So, we're in the rental car.. headed out of the city and onto the interstate to head home. I'm driving with my buddy in the passenger seat.. everythings going great now.. and we'll be home in plenty of time for work that morning.. and actually even get about 3 hours of sleep. Well, about 4 hours into our drive back home, I get a call on my cell phone. Its my buddy that went to jail.. he was freaking begging and begging me to turn around and come get him out of jail. But the problem was.. and this is no BS.. I didn't have the money to get him out. Otherwise I would have.. and he should know that.

Anyhow, man.. that was one hell of a trip. Was crazy.. but fucking awsome!!

So yeah, I hope to get to trip one more time before I hit the age of 30 next year.


I realize I didn't finish the story.. but even summed up.. its a long freaking story. My fingers got tired and I caught a case of the munchies from my afternoon bowl I smoked. I may come back later and finish it. Thanks. Have a great weekend ppl! ;) -