This is why I asked NOWitall where he read that BS that he posted.
I'd like to know where he got these 'facts'.
Everything that I have read, that wasn't fear based propaganda, states that LSD gets metabolized in your liver and kidneys, and gets flushed out of your system really fast.
NO storage in spinal fluid (where did this one come from?!).
NO lurking in your body for decades.
Show me where there is scientific evidence for LSD being stored in the body for really long periods of time.
As for flashbacks, I think it is just normal brain chemistry. I think people who have never done LSD have flashbacks. They just don't have a frame of reference that people who have done LSD have.
Perception and brain chemistry are very wild subjects. The brain does many things that we don't understand.
As for me, I have tripped ballz hundreds of times over the last 20 years.
No flashbacks for me, but I have felt weird and had strange perceptions of the world around me, but I have had those feelings before I ever did LSD, especially when just waking up.