LSD - Droopy Fan Leaves?


Hey everyone. I'm experimenting with aeroponics in a 5 gallon bucket with Barney's LSD. I'm using all Fox Farm nutrients. I'm going into my 5th week of the flowering stage. I noticed today that all of the fan leaves are drooping. None of the shoots are drooping, just the fan leaves. If any of you know what this means and what I have to do to make them normal again please help. Thanks!




That plant should've been wound up like a screw, (what I mean, is it should be so thick you ca not get to stalk) these plant's like very little nutes during the veg. If I ever got over 800 PPM it would just about stall. Durning flower they can not eat enough, they'll eat all the bloom and enhancers you can give her. Not trying to knock you plant but I'd take it and get two or three clones, get them rooted with some light which was your problem, once rooted drop light and bush the hell out of the new ones. Top the plants and let them go until you're ready for flowering. Remember this strain will go a wide as it is tall. Invest in 600 watt HSP, it will pay got it self and get some T5's= 90.00 to 140.00 well worth it. Not trying to slam just sound advice, cause you'll not have enough to pay 1 months electric bill there. Just clone or reveg or better yet start over.


Thanks for the advice guys. Yeah I've grown with soil before this and this plant was stretchy before but not this much. This is also my first time trying out aeroponics and also these LEDs which are Kessil. My other plants (before they were destroyed by some mold prevention spray) didn't grow stretchy and grew fine. But I think I might either go back to HPS or use a different LED panel next route.


Have you ever heard of or done Super Croping? I think if it was me that's what I'd do with that plant. All you're doing is making clones from the buds and revging them to the hight that you want. Then flower them and you'll have plants that will put out some yeilds. Just my two cents worth.


Sold the Kessils. They just weren't making the plants bud enough. I finally found the spectrum of them and they're nowhere near the nanometers that these plants like. I went with the 357 Mag LED instead.


Well-Known Member
Looks a lot like my LSD. Although my flowers are about double that at only 2 weeks. It's a pain in the ass though. My pineapple express started two weeks later then the LSD is dominating. I hope the LSD fills out better then it is. Any help I can give you let me know.