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LSD Effects in Micrograms
Today [ 2018 ], most doses are 100 - 250 mics.
A single dose of acid is [1/4 inch x 1/4 inch paper] or [1 full gravity weight drop ~ liquid]
Set = The mindset and expectations that One has before the psychedelic experience
Setting = The environment, atmosphere, and vibes where the psychedelic experience will take place
~ Considering "Set and Setting" before any LSD voyage, is extremely advisable due LSD's radical effects. "Set and Setting" means where the trip will occur and how One feels before/during/after the trip. It is recommended to trip with people You do trust for the whole trip. The data within this thread was recorded with NO TOLERANCE. ~ Note: LSD is much easier to handle with experience, an interest in astronomy, and tolerance to Lysergic-acid-Diethylamide.
thank you to Justice_Fish on shroomery for the information
20 mics- threshold. Some slight euphoria and body high.
30 mics- threshold, same as 20 mics; "high on acid"
~ Effects last about 6-8 hours
40 mics- obviously feeling Lucy's effects a little bit
60 mics- = The typical low quality blotter. Body high with "under water like feeling". Lights are brighter, colors are slightly enhanced and some after imaging and trails. This dosage makes for a good time, even though it isn't considered tripping. Lasts longer and is similar to a a gram of shrooms.
90 mics- Bright colors, surfaces start to move or breathe slightly. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. You start to think more. Change of short term memory leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Your brain starts to speed up and you become more aware of everything.
110 mics - Visuals are getting a lot more obvious now. "Ripples" over laying your field of vision. Patterns from all different cultures seen on walls, surfaces, faces etc.
Closed eye hallucinations become more apparent.
A like a gram and a half of mushrooms.
150 mics- This is the main dosage people try to shoot for if they are not that experienced to get LSD's effects without freaking out. This dose is usually 1-2 hits of good, legit LSD.
Effects are a lot like 110 micrograms but more profound.
(incraments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 50 mics becomes more intense than above the line.)
200 mics- This is where things can get powerful. Your mind is racing. Beautiful colors are everywhere. Closed eye visuals are very apparent at this point. Life changing, spiritual experiences or realization can happen at this dose. If you are a noob to lsd this dose is simply too high for you. Many people can handle it quite well but some may freak out.
250 mics- This dose is the dose Albert Hoffman, the creator of LSD tried when he first dosed himself to see what LSD's effects were like. The peak of a 250 mic acid trip can be VERY intense or even scary but like any LSD trip. once the peak effects ware off, the more comfortable the trip is. When the comedown started, he was fine, and he became a rockstar. Closed eye visuals are amazing at this dose.
300 mics- your getting into heavy territory, Its a lot like 250 mics. Still not considered by most to be a heavy dose, but thats only because they know where most people including themselves draw the line if they are experienced.
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