LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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The universe is working in strange and mysterious ways to manifest that specifically for me, or is it ME manifesting that for the universe?
Please ignore just about everything this guy said. He is only perpetuating false rumors, i.e. Strychnine. It was a total myth and urban legend that strychnine was in any LSD. Please do your research. Also, L-25 is short for LSD-25 - not "the liquid form". If you actually knew your shit, you would know that pure LSD is a crystal. That crystal is then dissolved to form liquid LSD, which is then either sold as liquid or laid on blotter paper. The purity of LSD has nothing to do with it being a liquid or not.

Please do not put liquid LSD in your eye. Yes, you will trip, but unless you know the guy cutting the crystal you are never sure what else is in there and you can, although unlikely, permanently damage your vision - plus it will hurt because it is often cut with alcohol.

The urban legend that if you have taken acid over 4 or 5 times, you can be declared clinically insane is downright garbage. Government propaganda to try to keep people from "tuning in". And, most "skilled chemists" do not lay doses over 150 mics. In fact, skilled chemists only make the crystal. People down the line produce the doses.

Sorry, but I hate it when uniformed people pass around lies, especially about something as wonderful as LSD. I do, however, have to agree that sex with a partner you know and trust can be mind blowing on LSD.

If you want to hear some really good LSD stories, check out Chinacat72's threads on He used to run with the big boys and he explains it all in his posts. Very informative. You'll learn about a thing called a thumbprint, where initiates are dosed with 200,000+ hits at once - and they are not clinically insane. Its a great read, do yourself a favor and check it out:

Please forgive my query, but as I read this I keep on asking myself what the heck this person's credentials are (really I'm asking myself who the heck you are, but a desire for anonymity in conversations like this is reasonable). I however do not need anonymity, because I have been charged and served the time. I disagree with at least a few things in this breakdown, but am also aware of a few things that make any sort of evaluation pointless.
For starters you failed to acknowledge that there are different kinds/colors/qualities of LSD and just like all crystals, the quality is determined by the clarity. Now i don't know this stuff 100% all the way back through history, but i know it better than most...even most that know better than most. From what i know, the quality/clarity of the different crystals goes like this in decending order from best to worst.
Needlepoint) pefectly clear
Czech) mid 90s ( i don't think it exists anymore. I remember it was on the 3D Q-berts) perfectly clear.
White Fluff - White and fluffy
Silver) Sliver hue
Iso-Amber) was Amber, but was then cleaned up I'm actually not sure if it gets cleaned up to clear or white. I mega dosed this stuff with Owesley Staney hinself.(look him up. The 1st LSD chemist to hit the streets with mass amounts for the public. He also refined the process for making it) It wasn't measured but was easily at least 5 sheets.
Amber) Amber
Lavender) Lavender
Beige) Brownish = Bad
Gunpowder) Blackish might be a myth.
...different crystals produce different effects and feelings. Along with that comes different feelings of potency.
The other main thing I disagree with is the beginning part of the chart.
Owsley told me that it takes 64 1/2 mics to feel the effects of LSD it seems like the chart should start there. I'm imagining that if a dose less than that produces a change, it's from the "dirt" and not the LSD. The biggest thing that fills me with doubt about being able to make a chart like this that applies across the board is because I have eaten just about every sized dose between a quarter hit to over 5 sheets, and I have eaten a single hit that has gotten me as high as a sheet has...unfortunately I have to run now, but I'll come back aND do my best to continue this. Thanks guys. Happy Trails Y'all

If anyone wants to get a hold of me directly, just use FB. GABRIEL ANTHONY HANNA.
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I don't know why anyone would want to take anything less than 90%. LSD is great because it's safe, taking impure drugs is not safe and just a waste of money in general.

Threshold for pure lsd is 25ug. You'll definitely be feeling its effects at 50ug with very minor visual distortion. 100ug will have you seeing colors and trails and then its just up from there. If you're needing to take a lot to even get to trails you're dealing with some very dirty or very poorly dosed acid
LSD should not be taken more than once a month.

I know people who have successfully tripped off the same dose of the same acid a few days after previous trip.
even though this should not be done. it can be done.
unlike mdma that takes a few weeks maybe more to get rid of the tolerance.
LSD only takes 2-3 days. same with psilocybin.

mdma and lsd cross tolerance can over lap and cause a potent batch of either lsd or mdma to not work at all. even at high doses.

if you plan on flipping with mdma with any psychedelic, the user must be abstinent from mdma and psychedelics for at least a few weeks for good effects.

but like I said above.
one should only trip once a month but it is your choice. :)

Be careful because LSD killed Blue Boy.....he never had a chance. :cry:

I don't take it to take more than anyone else. I take it to see what happens ive had vastly different experiences at 1, 1.5, 2, and 4.4 mgs from 2 to 4.4 mg I see what looks like matrix code and im in that zone for about 12 hours before I come down, it seems like it lasts a little longer. I don't mean to sound like im saying look how much I can take
I don't take it to take more than anyone else. I take it to see what happens ive had vastly different experiences at 1, 1.5, 2, and 4.4 mgs from 2 to 4.4 mg I see what looks like matrix code and im in that zone for about 12 hours before I come down, it seems like it lasts a little longer. I don't mean to sound like im saying look how much I can take
Sounds like divine intervention and ultimate communion with Jesus.
I believe that asking for some kind of malfuction

" I believe when You come to know the Lord, You come to know the devil at the same time.
And if someone says to Me " I have no experience with the devil, I've never come across the devil."
. . . I honestly wonder how far They have gone with the Lord. . . "
Hey bbq after im coming down a bit can i just redose and get back to the same level and how long can i go i mean can you really trip 24 hours ? Getting some more needle point past time a hit and half had me frying nuts just wondered cause it last about 2 hours peak and another 3 with good visuals i smoked some afghan at my peak i had to lie down a minute had a little anxiety then it eased up but smoking def brought trip back through out day
Hey bbq after im coming down a bit can i just redose and get back to the same level and how long can i go i mean can you really trip 24 hours ?
If You want FULL magic from the product You purchase...
I suggest waiting 3 days for FULL effect.

LSD and psilocybin mushrooms tolerance seems to hit baseline at 3 days.

I never seem to trip if I eat any low dose the day after tripping . Even though it is still possible.
I mean like when you come down just redose same day keep it going are is it best to fry nuts and come down instead of trying
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