
Tonight I heard where all the recordings of the Bob Dylan/Band shows from 1974 are being released in a 20 something CD box set. One of those 50th anniversary deals, like they did with the 1966 shows.

Up until now this is all we had of that tour.

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Quicksilver Messenger Service - terribly underheard from the throbbing heart of the San Francisco scene

Shady Grove is the first recording (I believe) of Nicky Hopkins, keyboardist extraordinaire



Brother in Law Number Two was from Longmont and they were living in Boulder in '75 when fourteen year old me was there visiting. BIL's younger sister went to the Eagles show at the college there, and everyone was pissed about the addition of Joe Walsh. All the James Gang fans were mad that he had left his rocking way behind but they had came to the show anyway. And the hard core country rock Eagles fans were pissed that they were hiring a rocker, but they were all there too. I guess time smoothed it out.

At 14 I was firmly in the country rock camp. Looking back on it, it does seem like Joe Walsh did loose the one thing he was known for. But on the other hand, he was forced to live with fame and money. Oh look. He wrote a song about it.

Just discovered this thread it's very cool. This is my favorite by Neil Young and my favorite record ever. Second side is the One

Our local college station has a Friday night old rock and roll show. Last night the DJ was talking about how often the first song on side two would be the best song on the album. It did make me think about a possible new thread.

Here is an example. (IMO)
