Lets not distract ourselves from the essential details:
In other words those companies figured that since the smoking consumption method already generates Hydrogen Cyanide anyway then why not simply exploit this most convenient and rare opportunity, considering "stoners"/"droÿés" self-destroy themselves anyway, etc., amen!
So lets have more human sacrifice (e.g. bigot reasoning), to "save" the statistically-ellusive (lost) children of planet Itnoc -
In The Name Of Children!!
Sounds like dejà vu
More bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist logic meant to vilify/fight "banalization", in a house of mirrors...
Now it makes more sense how the secret "scientific" Montréal gathering ended up with socio-toxic guys like Kevin Sabet selling his book to a captive audience...
Discussing "addiction" while those "expert$" seriously need some fair self-introspection about their own!... M'well, ain't this the "transparent", euh... ..."science" of Justin MiniHarper Trudeau which gullible Canucks voted for?!
E. G. The LPs thought they could cover their tracks and hence i seriously suspect they're actively testing further in order to establish additional detection levels, on top of this... In any case i never trusted this whole "legaleezation" farce with
ZERO LOVE for cannabis consumers, most especially when it comes to Québec where our single LP (*1* out of 40+!) proved guilty as well:
G&M: Banned pesticide found at medical marijuana company (2017-May-3)
« ...Health Canada announced it would begin conducting random testing of medical cannabis products for the use of unauthorized pest control products to provide added assurance to Canadians that they are receiving safe, quality-controlled product... »
« Mettrum Ltd., Organigram Inc. and Aurora Cannabis Inc. each announced recalls in December because of chemicals such as myclobutanil and bifenazate... »
Now how does that make it seem right to charge 5 ~ 10 $/g when the cost of prohibition is already hurting youth and visible minorities on a national scale, while postal distribution does'nt even offer quality-preserving refrigeration to match Trudeau's "traçability" plan (...), pretending it's only meant to follow the preciou$ nugget$$$ - which i fear may just as well been sprout from GMO Bio-Tracking seeds, etc.
Quite honestly i got to wonder when a politician lie becomes too obvious not to appear like one...
Good day, have fun!!