Truth be known

if all was left to mother nature


ALL NATURAL LIKE SEE !! (:mother nature has far batter ways of dealing with crap!

Lets not distract ourselves from the essential details:

G&M: Medical marijuana firms discussed using banned pesticides (2017-Mar-7)

« Meeting minutes and confidential e-mails sent in 2015 to more than a dozen companies on the subject, show that some industry members supported using prohibited chemicals such as myclobutanil – a pesticide that produces hydrogen cyanide when combusted... »

In other words those companies figured that since the smoking consumption method already generates Hydrogen Cyanide anyway then why not simply exploit this most convenient and rare opportunity, considering "stoners"/"droÿés" self-destroy themselves anyway, etc., amen!


So lets have more human sacrifice (e.g. bigot reasoning), to "save" the statistically-ellusive (lost) children of planet Itnoc - In The Name Of Children!!

Sounds like dejà vu...

MMM: Washington To Allow 200+ Pesticides On Medical Marijuana!

« ...it seems to take a middle ground... The heavy hitting pesticides like Floramite, Avid, Eagle-20, etc. are not on the approved list. »
More bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist logic meant to vilify/fight "banalization", in a house of mirrors...

Now it makes more sense how the secret "scientific" Montréal gathering ended up with socio-toxic guys like Kevin Sabet selling his book to a captive audience...

Discussing "addiction" while those "expert$" seriously need some fair self-introspection about their own!... M'well, ain't this the "transparent", euh... ..."science" of Justin MiniHarper Trudeau which gullible Canucks voted for?!


E. G. The LPs thought they could cover their tracks and hence i seriously suspect they're actively testing further in order to establish additional detection levels, on top of this... In any case i never trusted this whole "legaleezation" farce with ZERO LOVE for cannabis consumers, most especially when it comes to Québec where our single LP (*1* out of 40+!) proved guilty as well:

G&M: Banned pesticide found at medical marijuana company (2017-May-3)

« ...Health Canada announced it would begin conducting random testing of medical cannabis products for the use of unauthorized pest control products to provide added assurance to Canadians that they are receiving safe, quality-controlled product... »


« Mettrum Ltd., Organigram Inc. and Aurora Cannabis Inc. each announced recalls in December because of chemicals such as myclobutanil and bifenazate... »

Now how does that make it seem right to charge 5 ~ 10 $/g when the cost of prohibition is already hurting youth and visible minorities on a national scale, while postal distribution does'nt even offer quality-preserving refrigeration to match Trudeau's "traçability" plan (...), pretending it's only meant to follow the preciou$ nugget$$$ - which i fear may just as well been sprout from GMO Bio-Tracking seeds, etc.


Quite honestly i got to wonder when a politician lie becomes too obvious not to appear like one...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
I'm all for feeding the planet, but GMO anything scares me. It might be an option for an over populated African country that is starving, but there is no way I support genetic modification in North America, and never for cannabis - anywhere, ever.
I think a MASSIVE part of the problem people have with GMO is a misunderstanding of the word. Which is VERY funny to me especially coming from a community of people who rely on a plant that is a GMO. If science can take 2 different species of wheat and selectively breed them to be able to flourish in a country without ideal agricultural conditions, wheres the great harm in that? Now replace wheat with Cannabis in the scenario above and you have 95+% of cannabis strains existing today.

Different varietals which were selectively bred to achieve specific results, whether increased yield, potency, pest or mould resistance......the list goes on. People have a vast misconception that fucking genes are being spliced and so on. Man o man have people forgotten basic plant biology and science for that matter? Haha
They're modified in order to produce higher yields...or kill a bug....or resist a mold....if you have these problems in your garden do you douse the problem in spite of the plant?....and why should one company have control of the fucking corn?....because there's so much you can do with corn....hmmmmm.....
The problem that is showing up is these modified foods are proving to have low nutrient and mineral counts.

Some leap forward , people have to buy / eat more to stay nourished , what brilliant work by Monsanto's bean counters hey !
We owe them a great debt for this service right ? I think not
They're modified in order to produce higher yields...or kill a bug....or resist a mold....if you have these problems in your garden do you douse the problem in spite of the plant?....and why should one company have control of the fucking corn?....because there's so much you can do with corn....hmmmmm.....
You literally adressed nothing I brought up about GMOs and what they actually are, which are selectively bred plants made to address any issues a farmer may face based on environment that negatively impact agriculture. Not fucking sprays, which I never mentioned, stay on topic. And do you SERIOUSLY think ONE company controls the thousands of varieties of corn in the world? SMFH
The problem that is showing up is these modified foods are proving to have low nutrient and mineral counts.

Some leap forward , people have to buy / eat more to stay nourished , what brilliant work by Monsanto's bean counters hey !
We owe them a great debt for this service right ? I think not
I hate Monsanto too but wheres the science behind this exactly? Id be curious to see. Not some GreenPeace funded shit either. Actual peer reviewed data that shows selective breeding guarantees fewer nutrients. Sounds like bullshit. And its not like anyone else on the ENTIRE planet has worked on this besides Monsanto right?.........
Hey Calyxcrusher its no secret do a google search and see what it delivers for you , its best to look into it yourself rather me trying to prove it to you.
And do you SERIOUSLY think ONE company controls the thousands of varieties of corn in the world? SMFH

Sadly, pretty much!

A quick google revealed....

There are an estimated 2.1 million farmers in the USA and a further 293,925 in Canada. Estimates place the adoption of GM varieties of canola, corn, cotton and soybeans in the 90 percent range, in both countries. Given that many farmers in the USA grow either corn or soybeans, or both, 90 percent is a number that commonly used by the ag industry to refer to the percentage of American farmers using GM crops. In Canada, 97 percent of canola is GM, while 100 percent of corn is GM and about 80 percent of soy production, so a comparable figure of 90 percent is reasonable there as well. Based on this, over 2.07 million of 2.3 million farmers in North America produce GM crops on a yearly basis.
I hate Monsanto too but wheres the science behind this exactly? Id be curious to see. Not some GreenPeace funded shit either. Actual peer reviewed data that shows selective breeding guarantees fewer nutrients. Sounds like bullshit. And its not like anyone else on the ENTIRE planet has worked on this besides Monsanto right?.........

I hate them as well. My beef is how they use GMO, if what I read is true. Breeding seeds to be resistant to glysophate, one of the main harmful ingredients in Round Up may have seemed like good science to some, but now that glysophate has been detected in processed foods you have to ask yourself is it worth it. Maybe it is just me, but I would rather eat tree bark than poisoned food, approved by the FDA or any other country's bogus regulatory agency.

So I agree with you that most cannabis is GMO, or genetically bred as some may see it. But at least the seeds are not subjected to poison that I know of. I think genetic manipulation paints a picture in peoples head that says bad. I wonder if they just fail to realize that if you cross plant A with plant B, the seeds are going to me GM. That is why you can buy weird fruit and vegetables at the supermarket now, grapple, plumcot, broccoflower, just to name a few that GM, but not poisoned.
I think a MASSIVE part of the problem people have with GMO is a misunderstanding of the word. Which is VERY funny to me especially coming from a community of people who rely on a plant that is a GMO. If science can take 2 different species of wheat and selectively breed them to be able to flourish in a country without ideal agricultural conditions, wheres the great harm in that? Now replace wheat with Cannabis in the scenario above and you have 95+% of cannabis strains existing today.

Different varietals which were selectively bred to achieve specific results, whether increased yield, potency, pest or mould resistance......the list goes on. People have a vast misconception that fucking genes are being spliced and so on. Man o man have people forgotten basic plant biology and science for that matter? Haha

You obviously have a misunderstanding of the word. Selective breeding is not GMO!

Selective breeding is what humans have been doing with plants and animals ever since farming and domestication of animals began and is a natural process. Genetic Modification is removing snippets of DNA in the genes and replacing those snippets with a something totally unrelated to that plant or animal species and could never happen in nature. You can cross a cat with a dog in the lab but mixing their eggs and sperm will never produce an embryo or living animal. Same with plants. Try crossing a tomato with a turnip in your garden and see what happens. Nothing.

GM crops have been causing starvation all over 3rd world countries as they do not live up to the hype. They were supposed to reduce need for chemicals but the farmers I live in the midst of bitch about how much chem they have to spray now to maintain their crops, how much new seed costs every year when they used to save 10% of last year's seeds to grow this year's crop. Millions of acres of farmland have been rendered useless due to frankenweeds that eat Roundup like candy and grow like trees damaging farm equipment. Farmers in India committing suicide by the thousands after losing their farms to the debt they incurred falling for Mon$atan's lies and getting poorer yields from GM cotton and other crops.

Most of the world is banning GMOs and suing the hell out of companies that make them. They only have world food control in their sights and are ruthless in reaching that goal. F'n stupid US gov't even passes laws to prevent them being sued like the did with the vaccine makers.

Why would they do that if they are so bad you may ask.

Follow the MONEY!
Mother to Son: eat your vegetables
Son to Mother: but I don't want to die.
mother to son: don't you believe those anti GMO types...
Son to Mother: but I don't want to die