Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Nah, defo not going hermie because ALL 5 are doing it, which IMHO is EXTREMELY rare.... How many seeds do you think i will get? Update (will do big plants tommorow):

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Well-Known Member
I've read you can get a couple hundred seeds per plant. That is, of course, if you are TRYING to polinate every inch of bud.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking really nice man, that sucks about the nute-burnt one though :(

You live in such a beautiful place.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Nah, defo not going hermie because ALL 5 are doing it, which IMHO is EXTREMELY rare.... How many seeds do you think i will get? Update (will do big plants tommorow):

Judging by those buds id say max 12 per bud but i might well be well off.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
FUCK i wanted like 1 or 2 seeds MAX, ive shot myself in the foot here, Also going back to water curing it says
"DO NOT water cure seeded buds that were intentionally seeded so you can harvest seeds. Air cure these buds only..."
Do you have any idea why not? Also how do you harvest seeds? With tweezers or do if i shake them will they come loose?

mr west

Well-Known Member
id guess at the wter will fuck up the seeds, or maybe germinate them so u have to pull the root and the seed out the bud b4 u can dry it to smoke it.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
The funny thing is, that im using SUPER CHEAP, Pre-packed 6 months worth of nutes granules. And they seem to be doing pretty nicely, i reckon im just gonna get a few hundred seeds from my babies, dig up a bit of soil near my house and use the soil im currently using and just sow a couple of random seeds.... All i have dont for my current girls is water them every few days, TBH its been dead easy, i was worried in the begining becuase of slow growth and all but now im dead happy.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ok thats fine, it sounded like u was gonna use the same soil from the grow u got going now lol?

mr west

Well-Known Member
hard to tell by photos at this age. They lose bout 2 thirds their weight and bout half their size in drying and curing. A bud that would fill the inside of a coffee mug that holds bout 1/2 a pint will be bout 3-4 gramms dry wieght as a rough guestamate


Well-Known Member
Those plants look great. I mean great. They blow my cabinet grow away. Sooooo much bigger. Guess there is no substitute for the sun. I can't wait to see what yield you get. Wish I had a space outdoors to grow after seeing how your grow is going. How tall are they now?
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Weed Guy

Master Roller
3 Big females are about 58cm and two smaller ones are 19cm each. But ive learnt its better to just go with the bigger pots in the first place, the ones i put in smallers pots have MARJORLY stunted their growth. I wish i could see into the future and put all the females in the bigger pots. Oh well will just get bigger pots next time. Im gonna do a bigger grow and just spread a load of seed everywhere near my house lol.


Active Member
oi oi we just got some new seeds n one just sprouted how many weeks till we give them plant feed

mk ultra

Active Member
am also doing LR2 outdoors but in a large plot with biobizz soil bought from my local grow shop but unsure how many i can fit in it. it measures 75cmX160cm any ideas? the grow bible says keep plants 3 feet apart but i dont think this applys to LR as they are so much smaller