Lowryder2 Grow


Well-Known Member
You need fans for air movement regardless, otherwise your plants will suffer a suffocation of sorts.. They may live, but you won't be proud.. As far as I'm concerned, if your temps are ok, then put more light in until they're not, and get an exhaust set up.. Odour is really gonna be a wake-up call though if you're thinking you don't even need a fan, whats your window situation in the area?
Start searching "diy" & "carbon filter" now! You NEED a head start on that!


Well-Known Member
You need fans for air movement regardless, otherwise your plants will suffer a suffocation of sorts.. They may live, but you won't be proud.. As far as I'm concerned, if your temps are ok, then put more light in until they're not, and get an exhaust set up.. Odour is really gonna be a wake-up call though if you're thinking you don't even need a fan, whats your window situation in the area?
Start searching "diy" & "carbon filter" now! You NEED a head start on that!
i have a fan and a cell phone cord but i dont know how to connect them, Can i use regular old black electrical tape or will that cause a fire


Well-Known Member
Its pretty easy.. electrical tape is fine, just make sure your wire twists are really secure.. Its a good idea to tie them in a loop-knot, or securely tape the connecting wires to the main cord so that if the connection gets pulled, tension doesn't occur at the actual wiring connection..
As for the polarity, you can use trial/error since it will only work if wired right, and is harmless if wired opposite..
I'm just not sure if a phone charger will cut it though, most are puny, and only a few volts.. Most PC fans need a few hundred milliamps at 12V, (or 9V if you want to compromise a bit of flow for silence).. Well, older teeny chip fans sometimes ran on 5V.. I have 1 that doesn't really do much at 12V even, so I run it at 24V.. Look for a basic wall adapter in that voltage range..
If you over power these systems, likely the adapter will just fry eventually, and the fan will be fine.. Feel the adapter, if its too hot, either get a different one, or wire a 10-20Ohm resistor in series..
Ideally you want something rated for atleast 0.5A.. Nothing beats a pc power supply, that could power as many fans as you can find..


Well-Known Member
DAY 14

Ok so i dont yesterdays lighting problem has effected any of my plants which is a plus. But lucky is getting to big for here container so i am going to transplant here into a biger one



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't rush on the transplant just yet.. Its getting there, but still looks happy, and I dunno why but plants seem to like transplants best right when they need it.. Not before, and not after..
This aspect can be pretty forgiving within reason though (atleast for non-autos that aren't budgeted for time).. Root binding is a good low stress way to keep a plant under control if you can't deal with fast growth..

Edit: I'm not positive, but your leaves tilting upwards might be the very first sign of an Mg deficiency.. A touch of epsom salts (cheap at drug-store) would be a good thing to have handy..


Well-Known Member
DAY 15

ok so they were aittle route bound so i decided to transplant them into another pot, the transplant went fairly well, all the routes are all intacted but now some are going side ways but i dont think that matter, well i pray that it dosent matter, i guess well find out tomarrow. I am aslo going to the harware store and going to pick up more lights



Well-Known Member
Your plant wasn't very root bound, but no worries the transplant shouldn't hurt things much. Yours looks healthy.

Mine was looking pretty sick and a bit smaller than yours. I knocked all the soil off the roots and broke many of them but after a few days in better soil it's looking much better than it did and growing faster too. They recover fast.


Well-Known Member
DAY 16 Aug/26/08

So i went to the harware store and decided to change up my light in the Grow box so i bought some double sockets which free's up some room and i'm going to add some more free hanging ones. ALSO i am conducting an experament with Frankinstein and the seedling. They both are getting purple food colorng in there water, I'm only going to do this for about 1-2 week just to see if i can get any results. I also made a Anti Carbon filter here the link for that




Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure what 'anti carbon' was until I followed the link.. I hope you realize that will provide 'anti odour neutralization'..
It won't last long, it will dwindle in effectiveness in a somewhat unpredictable rapid manner, and create a heat score quickly when it does..
LR2 is supposed to be a pretty stinky strain, my guess is that in full bloom, even at its best that filter would make your room smell like you forgot a QP of weed in your pocket when you did your laundry..:)
EBay has great deals on activated carbon, but in a well made filter, a little goes a long way, and Walmart etc sells it in their aquarium sections.. for about $5-10 you can get enough to do you in a pinch (but the more the better as long as you have adequate air moving through it).. PC fans like in your link aren't that great for this either.. Its a catch-22 because small axial fans perform POORLY when constricted, and carbon performs poorly when air spaces allow particles through.. Ideally you want a honkin' strong fan.. Then you restrict its flow with a bunch of carbon, and the reduced airspeed quiets the fan drastically..


Well-Known Member
DAY 18 Aug/28/08

Ok well i just checked lucky and i think she might be a girl she has two little white pistols coming from the top but none coming from the sides.. so it might just be another leave coming in. As for the food coloring, The little one's stem is very purple( purpler than normal) and i can see some pigment starting to begin on the leafs, and for frankenstein he looks the same and can show no visable color



Well-Known Member
Aye, sorry I missed your food coloring experiement earlier, but I think you're getting misleading results.. Purpling of the stem can happen when they are over watered, or nutrient unhappy.. It looks like the stem is filled with blood kind of..
I'm not knocking that kind of experimentation, but you're kind of beating a dead horse on this one.. Food dyes are typically giant cyclic molecules that the roots and xylems have no chance of transporting.. They often contain alot of easily cleaved sodium, and other undesirable ions.. The presence of these could actually make the result of overwatering worse than normal by messing up electrolyte balances etc..
It might be harmless, but its not going to help regardless, and obviously its already mislead you..


Well-Known Member
Nice man and good luck ill be tuned in. My Diesel Ryder are almost at the same day i have 5 female's so far. Pulled one male runt today.


Well-Known Member
If odour control is a concern where you're growing those Diesel Ryders then you should start working on a really good carbon filter now.. That stuff is so sweetly stanky! It would be a shame to only get to smell it and never get to taste it..