Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:leaf::!::leaf::!:Awesome photos Stonie, Awesome journal ....lots of fun here. I will always know where to go for a smile and a laugh with Barbie around. Thanks capboo..for the images. I never knew so many people wanted to destroy that image of the all american bullshit barbie as much as me!:leaf::!::leaf::-P:-P:-P:-P


Active Member
LOL Barbie... I swear everyone has that same little thermometer/humidity gauge... LOL, I do.... BB and SB are looking amazing.. Gotta love those autos huh?

Dr. Amber... you are welcome... I too have been defiling barbies for most of my life i.e. hair cuts and tattoos and some melting LOL... but never with such creativity (probably because no body will let me touch them now)... I could blow these out of the water!!! LOL

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
LOL Barbie... I swear everyone has that same little thermometer/humidity gauge... LOL, I do.... BB and SB are looking amazing.. Gotta love those autos huh?

Dr. Amber... you are welcome... I too have been defiling barbies for most of my life i.e. hair cuts and tattoos and some melting LOL... but never with such creativity (probably because no body will let me touch them now)... I could blow these out of the water!!! LOL
:-PNo shit, captbooyah.... bring in on girl.. I want to see those sick Barbies realllll realll bad.
Especially the melted ones. What a fantastic idea:!::!::!::!::!::!::!:
Do you have any pictures? Please post, pretty please.bongsmilie:weed::peace:


Active Member
haha... I will need to start building up my daughters Barbie collection so I can slowly break them apart... It will happen eventually, but shes a little young... I don't know if I can justify buying barbies for mutilation purposes to my hubby... LOL- I know a great special effects guy (worked on a movie with him last summer)... could get interesting

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
haha... I will need to start building up my daughters Barbie collection so I can slowly break them apart... It will happen eventually, but shes a little young... I don't know if I can justify buying barbies for mutilation purposes to my hubby... LOL- I know a great special effects guy (worked on a movie with him last summer)... could get interesting
LMFAO... your hysterical!!! Get those creative juices flowing ....lovin it!!!!! This could go big time, captbooyah, with a movie deal even. Guns, ganja, and butchered barbies!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I used to burn all my GI Joes.... can I play? :P

Nah, seriously, Barbie you need to duck behind that plant because it sounds like Dr. Tricomb and the Capt are about to ruin your day :)


Well-Known Member
I used to burn all my GI Joes.... can I play? :P

Nah, seriously, Barbie you need to duck behind that plant because it sounds like Dr. Tricomb and the Capt are about to ruin your day :)
hahahaaa, we just ruin the stuck up barbies not the cool ones. lol GI joe hahahaaa thats great.


Well-Known Member

stripper barbie the first one (an auto blueberry) has been topped and LST. the second one, bondage barbie (an auto blueberry) has been LST. the roots were coming out of the bottom of the pot so i filled up another pot with FFOF soil and put it on top. the third one is a SSH which is now in re-veg state after I harvested her. not feeding any nutes just plain filtered, PHd water and molassas every other watering. under a 400 watt HPS bulb 20 on 4 off.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I used to burn all my GI Joes.... can I play? :P

Nah, seriously, Barbie you need to duck behind that plant because it sounds like Dr. Tricomb and the Capt are about to ruin your day :)
I would never ever hurt my stonie barbie...NEVER.....shes cool... its those fake barbie bitches out that need an ass beatin!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HEY STonie....I like the video factor. they keep gettin more creative ...LOL..... I loved the opening curtain....
CAn you, if possible, take one of your barbies and turn her into a puppet with strings and have her walk through the video?
I want to see some girly action with your beautiful plants..., girlfriend...... this is getting real fun... LOL amby


Active Member
Thought we would take a break from the Barbies today, and instead go for another childhood favorite... This one is all for the giggles! LOL

cbpot.jpg Bongheart Bear
cbpot2.jpg Pothead Bear
cbpot3.jpg Heroin Bear
cbzombie2.jpg Zombie Bear
cbzombie3.jpgFlesh Eating Zombie Bear (LOL*)
cbwp.jpgWhite Power Bear - idk know who came up with that... but whatever... LOL
cbalcohol.jpg Girlie Drink Bear ( *or Alcoholic Bear)

These ones are self explanatory... which one are you???

cbbondage.jpg cbhooligan.jpg cbpot4.jpg


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
LOL ....where do you find this shit?......Hard decision, but I think I will go with the Flesh Eating Zombie Bear!!!!
I love the little hearts on her sweater.


Well-Known Member
I am so the stoner bear. lol i will try and come up with something. i'll wait till i pick my little girl up from school, and then later tonight i will try to get my creative juices flowing. thanks to you doc, my juices are finally starting to trickle. my creative ones anyway. hahahhahaaaa

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I am so the stoner bear. lol i will try and come up with something. i'll wait till i pick my little girl up from school, and then later tonight i will try to get my creative juices flowing. thanks to you doc, my juices are finally starting to trickle. my creative ones anyway. hahahhahaaaa
LOL and giggless stonie...hahahahahahahahhah


Well-Known Member
hey ya'' its day 29 and my auto has not showed sex yet. is the blueberry auto one of the ones that is not a true auto and i need to shorten the light time? its 20/4 right now. the same that my others were on.


Active Member
Maybe it needs the 12/12 if it's not a true auto...? Also, I've heard that 24 to 36 hours of dark before going into flower can speed up the sexing... speculation???

I want to know more about LST... nothing I have really found has shown progressive growth in vegetative state... I was thinking maybe you could post some pictures of Bondage Barbie from when you started to now so I can get a better idea of what it does for the plant??? Please and thank you!!! LOL