Lowryder CFL


Well-Known Member
Hey, i'm growing for the first time, i bought some Lowryder #2 online and have one germinating at the moment. I'm just wondering if 3 Cfls (2-1 ratio of 6500k and 2700k or vice versa depending on the stage) is enough. They're all 23w.

Second question, would 2 cfl bulbs be fine for growing, one 2700k and one 6500k maybe? Remember that its a lowryder so not too big of a plant. Its going to be growing in about a 1 1/2 ft x 1 1/2 ftx 1 1/2 ft box lined with mylar.
Hi, this was my first grow too, unknown strain, bagseed. started with six, left with one after sexing. had 3 6500k 23 watt 3 2700k 23 watt cfl on all six and ended up giving it all to one female during flowering. i think your gunna need more light. good luck. this was what i got out of all that light.
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