lowryder 2


Active Member
bonjour all, just wondering if anyone can tell me if my lowryder looks any good? and roughly how much can i expect off this plant, its under a 400w hps and gets 17hours light, its in lovley soil with a little bit of mirical grow, its been flowering for 10days, cheers!



Well-Known Member
Ur lookin good there zoot, guess i should welcome u to riu! There's some leaf tips in the pics that're curled down a bit but shit it doesn't look burned or nothin(kinda suprising with the mg) overall, looks nice and healthy. I've heard different results as far as yields go, i'm currently workin on my own lrak's so idk what ur liable to get there.


Active Member
looking nice sven, im thinking maybe re sprinkle some miricle grow, obviously you used the stuff when it was alot smaller maybe its time to setp it up on the nuits and getting the girl cracking


Well-Known Member
She looks really good. I'd say wait till she looks like she wants some more food before you add any more. Lowryders are small plants, so they don't need real fox farm type nutrients.
If you want to get anything for her, get something organic. Bat guano is excellent stuff. They have flowering and vegetating versions of it. but your plants look good right now. good luck!