lowryder #2


Well-Known Member
hey guys/gails..morp how are those lrs coming??i have gown lowryers ,i am on my 4th grow now.i think they are great yeild ,smoke and just watching them grow,they are amazing. they are not going to ruin the gene pool. no mre than it already is .. their are so many different crosses out thier it is crazy.. i wonder way back when , when indica and stativa met had a few drinks and got there freak on did every body think oh no indica or stativa will never be the same... there are still pure strains of indicaand stativa, and everything inbetween..


Active Member
dont listen to these marijuana jesus freaks. grow the lowryders and enjoy them. who gives a fuck what they say. its a disadvantage to them. its a perfect plant for the see of green. when you get ripped off those buds i will be worth it. All while those these guy are saying" o the genepool someone stop this lowryder madness it wil destroy marijuana, are planet, and the ozone layer maybe . good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm harvesting my Lowrider 2's today and I really don't see why experienced growers continue to debunk them when they can fill an obvious void in our growing options.
I've been growing outdoors for 36 years but I now live in a small townhouse with inspections every 3 months by the landlord and the L2's were a big help. While certainly nowhere near as potent as my outdoor grows, it's as good or better than the crap that gets sold for $50 a 3 gram deal.


Active Member
Okay what is painfully clear is that Shaman and co have not actually tried LR2! I can assure you that they are fine. Yes they will not win any awards anytime soon but they are convenient and still quite potent. They sell well here in the Netherlands and are popular to grow side by side with your main crop as they are not worried about light cycles. How people can be so aggro and preachy about strains they have never tried I don't know.

I thought Pot heads were meant to be live and let live! The ruderalis genes have been isolated for autoflowering. These little ladies are predominately indica and if you grow them you will see this in their branching and calyx formation. Give them a try along side a slow grower and you will not be dissapointed. There is no more chance of pollution from LR2 as there is with any other strain. Most of the strains now are just brand names anyway. Unregulated market means people can call things what ever they like. I think the English phrase is no point crying over spilt milk. Every one is entitled to their own opinion it would just be nice if it was based on facts and not hearsay....


Well-Known Member
At least we know you guys are going through old posts as well rather than just asking questions,
BTW Camsterdam, LR2's are predominately sativas, not indicas.
While I probably wont grow them again, they were great when starting your first grow and you have nothing to smoke.
They are ready for harvest at the time you put your other plants on 12/12 and you dont need a second room for veg, way better than smoking the males.