Lowryder 2 weekly grow journal


Well-Known Member
i say if you get 4 ounces yeild and sex 1 or 2 females for more seeds
its well worth the $70 you paid

dont you think so?


Well-Known Member
re: "damn that sucks....maybe he could keep a male and take some of its seeds and hope for the best"

Yeah that’s what I was thinking about. I wish I wouldn't have pulled them already. Maybe I could stress them good and hope for a herm with seeds. Who knows I just don’t wana waste the light on them.


Well-Known Member
If they produce that much it would be more than worth it but i will have to see it to believe it. I know what I get from a normal size plant so if these little buggers give me more than an 8th each I will be surprised.

Pic taken about 3-4 days into flowering or 22 days from seed.



Well-Known Member
I think i have a herm as well now. This could be good I guess. I might get some free seeds out of the deal anyway.


Well-Known Member
They have some diff lowryder seeds here http://www.dutchbreed.com/8.html. If I don't get seeds off these 4 plants I will order something from them. The mint sounds kinda interesting. I wonder if this would make a more tolerable smell in the house when they are flowering???


Well-Known Member
I took this plant out today to give it a once over and noticed this. It was a very obvious female to begin with. I almost hope it a pollen sack so I can get a couple seeds out of the deal and try Lowryder 2 again.


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Well-Known Member
wats tha smell like? my plant smells funky... it used to be a coffee stinky smell, now its like neck breaker, take ya nose away stank... ewwwwwwwwwy


Well-Known Member
They are just a hair over a month and some nice bud development and still not even a foot tall. I am guessing these plants might yield a whole 1/8th but at least I tried them. I have been using 12 hours florescent and 12 hours HPS now that they are flowering. I figured I might as well stick them in with my 12/12 plants and take advantage of some good light anyway. The one I thought might be turning herm has decided not to and is showing no signs of becoming one. A couple of the very bottom fan leaves are turning yellow but I think that’s normal for flowering plants. I have been taking it easy on the fertilizer as well. If they show signs of lacking in nutrients I will start using them.



Well-Known Member
lookin cool bro..have you stopped using the 'grow' type nutes? are using bloom boosters?
I'm feeding My Lr2's solution of diluted biobizz grow, i'm also still using topmax at 80% recommended dosage with a lil shot of molasses for good measure(its here so i figured i'd throw that in the mix too.)i got 24 days left of flowering and theyre coming on pretty cool..not sure what theyll yield tho ,theyre 16" tall and have fattened up a bit since i took this pic 4 days ago. :)

good luck with yours!!!


Well-Known Member
Just took a look at mine and I have to say it will be a smaller yield but damn it’s going to be some awesome bud. It looks twice as good as the THC Bomb I just got done with. Might get a half oz off 4 plants but what the hell live and learn I guess.


Well-Known Member
pretty nice bro :)

Heres another pic of mine up until 3 days ago when i chopped the main cola, the rest is still going, and will prolly be ready to chop in a wk.