lowryder #2 seeds not sprouting after 40 hours?


Active Member
so im trying to sprout 3 lowryder #2 seeds via the paper towel method, and its been about 40hours since i first put them in and only 1 is showing a root, and its a very small one. the other two seed's shells have cracked, but no root.

they're wrapped in a layer of paper towels, soaked in distilled water, in a ziplok baggie, and i stuck that inside of a thick padded envelope, covered by a small blanket to keep dark. i set this setup on top of my laptops power supply to keep warm.

im probably just being impatiant/paranoid, but is this relatively normal to be taking this long? i know seeds can take anywhere from 24hours to 72hours, but i guess i just expected them to be sprouting by now, as my last seeds didnt take nearly this long. any advice would be helpful. thanks!


Well-Known Member
You say that you know that they could take up to 72 and you're freaking after 40? Relax, have a seat and enjoy the show. Have a bowl or two while you're waiting, it'll be worth it! Here, have a hit on this.... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
relax man. if there room temp place them somewhere slightly warm. Everyone seems to like cable boxes. perfect temp. try that and don't worry until a solid 4 days. warm them up a bit. good luck. i also grow lr2 keep me posted


Active Member
i just had 2 lr#2s pop out in like 8 hours soaking in a bowl of water under a soaked rockwool cube, idk