lowryder 2 outdoor grow


Active Member
heres the tops of some of the early plants, i am happy with the early stuff, its so crazy to smoke though, it makes me so laughy and extroverted. this is only a little bit of what i have left, i have like 5-8 times this left growing right now, and it will all explode larger soon. my seed plant is doing good, i will take a pic 2nite, its getting so much sunlight that its fuller than the other ones, i cant wait to smoke that stuff!! :) i think im addicted!! haha


Well-Known Member
Hey Axis...question for ya on your auto's...After how long did they take to start flowering after you saw preflowers? Immediatly? It seems wierd to see such a small plant showing preflowers...I know its expected around 21st day or so...I noticed mine 1 week ago, and was wondering if its really possible to be ready for harvest in 5-6 weeks?


Active Member
they showed sex, then sprung a couple more nodes, like 4, then filled in those flowers real quick. but they continued to grow in height adding nodes, nodes for buds.
i actually topped one plant at 6 weeks, i got early flowers, hurt the yield obviously, but potency was great. the only thing was, the fan leaves did nothing, i tried fan leaves from week 6, and week 9, no effect.. im guessing since they focus just on packing the flowers with THC.


Well-Known Member
Cool man, thanks for the description...How much did you yield per plant? I'm looking for an oz. per plant?


Active Member
yield was directly proportional to sunlight length. one that i put on my roof, gets all day sunlight, and is about 20 grams, the others unfortunately are less... quite less.


Well-Known Member
yield was directly proportional to sunlight length. one that i put on my roof, gets all day sunlight, and is about 20 grams, the others unfortunately are less... quite less.
Damn...seriously!? Maybe autos really aren't worth all the work...better off getting a nice strain and start from 12/12 from the beginning...they'll stay short (same as autos) and yield a bit more than an ounce...


Active Member
yeah you are probably right about that. the beauty with these autos is that i had it outside all its life, and didnt have to mess around with indoor lights and whatnot. if i grow indoors, i will grow something like northern lights, since lowryder has NL in it, and i love the stone.


Well-Known Member
yeah you are probably right about that. the beauty with these autos is that i had it outside all its life, and didnt have to mess around with indoor lights and whatnot. if i grow indoors, i will grow something like northern lights, since lowryder has NL in it, and i love the stone.
I have NL flowering right now...tomorrow will be 2 weeks...can't friggin' wait!
So, how long from seedling to harvest?


Active Member
NL flowering!!! awesome!! i want some seeds!! :) um for me, like 9-12 weeks... i pulled them each at different times, you know?


Well-Known Member
No seeds in these NL's! Sorry.. :(
I'm on week 5 for my Little Angels...but no buds yet...just hairs. My autos under lights grows much nicer than the outdoors...Can't wait to see the outcome...figure another 4-6 weeks?


Active Member
5 weeks around, if they have those hair clusters right now. those fill up in a week. then mature

I AM HAVING A GOING AWAY PARTY!!! i hope my guests like the LOWRYDER!! :) :)


Active Member
i live in NY, near syracuse, soon i will be going back to college on Long Island. if u live around there, id stop by on the drive so we can try some!