Lowryder#2 outdoor grow, 100% organic


Alright so this is my first time growing outside the saftey of my house and I got to say, Im looking forward to the results of this experiment in which i'll be using 100% organic material from soil to nuts. For soil, Im going with MG organic with some peat moss for better drainage and coco fiber for water retension and for nuts Ill be using Earth juice bloom since this plant's veg stage is significantly short. Ill have updates every week or so so follow if you like:blsmoke:

This is the first pic seven days from seed I took on 6/25. The walk of life is going strong so far



7/7 UPDATE! Today decided to snap a pic of almost two weeks worth of progess from the first pic. Day 19 and still no sign of balls. Ladies and gentleman, we just might have a little girl on our hands!



Well-Known Member
Growing autos outdoors has always been my achiles heel .. i have tried and failed and got minimal bud of my trys so i hope yours goes much better.
With my autos though they always took a little long to show signs of sex outside though but i hope it is a female my friend :)

Keep it green.
Hey Dude, good to see your efforts!

This is my 1st outdoor season with autos, and so far so good. I started 4 Buddha Red Dwarfs, 4 Lowryder #2, 2 Sagamartha AK48s and 6 Barneys Farm Flower Powers between 12 and 3 weeks ago. These are my findings:

Seeds sown into 12cm pots then transplanting into 2 gallon pots at 3 weeks seem to grow shorter (12 inches) and branch out more, looking like mini normal Indica dominant plants. They seems to show greater trichrome formation and mature in about 12 - 14 weeks. The Red Dwarfs are the most pleasing thus far, harvesting has begun. The AK48s are 1m tall, 12 weeks old and show no sign of flowering (clearly not Autos - shame on you Sagamartha!).

Seeds sown directly into 2 gallon pots grow taller (up to 24 inches) and do not branch out as much, looking like mini totem poles. Less (slower?) trichrome formation too.

All have been on the same nutrient schedule of Rhizotonic weeks 0-3; bloom (Cana Terra Flores) + bloom enhancer (Cana Boost) weeks 3-10; forcing solution weeks 10-12. The forcing solution was used as im impatient and thought the girls were taking too long, glad I did as it seems to encourage further late growth even though this will further extend the maturing period! I have been able to cut the mature tops off the smaller plants leaving the newer buds to develope further yield. I cant do this on the taller plants due to there basically being one main cola and no branching.

All plants get about half of the daylight hours in direct sunlight in UK summertime (16 hours daylight). I move the pots around the garden as they clearly mature faster with the more light you can get to them.

Hope this was of interest, I will post some photos if you or anyone else is interested.


Well-Known Member
Spectacular i wouldnt mind seeing your grow if you want to post up your pictures man .. im sure it can do nothing but help.

Keep it Greeeen.


for sure spectacular! I wouldn't mind in the least to see some other grower's experiences and results. P.S. an no offense taken to the non-organic route. Just decided to mix it up a little this grow and see what I end up with is all
Grateful to see the interest guys, heres some pics:

The 1st pic is of 2 Red Dwarfs from the same packet of seeds, one started in a 12cm pot and the other sown directly into the 2 gallon pot. Unfortunately ive already taken the mature top of the shorter plant and am letting the rest carry on for a week or 2 (amounted to about half the plant). I still think it nicely illustrates the increased branching on the plant started in a 12cm pot. The same sort of growth was evident in another RD that Ive already smoked!

Pic 2 shows the AK48s that are still not showing signs of flowering. If they do find it in themselves to give it up then there will be a very decent yield. I'll keep you informed of progress!

Pic 3 shows 2 Lowryder #2s that have had the exact same treatment over the same time period. Yield will not be as much as the Red Dwarfs but still nice plants for outdoors.

Pic 4 are the next batch ready to go into larger pots. These are all Flower Power or Red Dwarf. A good example of the phasing that can be achieved over a summer grow season with autos. Ive started them in the small pots as I prefer the shorter, branched out plants that this method seems to produce (better yield and easier on the eye!)

Let me know what you think, I have to say the decent weather we've had in the UK over the last couple months has helped.


Um, sorry guys, photos didnt upload as expected!!

Relating to my last post:

pic 1 shows the Lowryders
Pic 2 shows the new batch
Pic 3 shows the Red Dwarfs
Pic 4 shows the lazy AK48s