Lowryder 2 light cycle help


Active Member
Lowryder 2 is auto flowering and i know that but i had a question...

my girl just showed her first set of white hairs!! so excited! If i turn the lights on 12/12 will this be beneficial on my end, or will it be giving me more buds cuz of the cycle? Do i leave it on 18/6 ?? and the nutes ive been giving her for the past month has been mild the first stage above seedling?? should i flush her and then start her on trans to bloom phase nutes?? or will this burn her? Should i go with veg growth phase which it prolly should of been already. please for the safety of my little girl!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
18/6 is recommended for LR2's and go easy on the nutes as they don't like too much.
Maybe start with 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
Yup, stay 18/6. Female LR's normally show around day 20 from seed. You have 50 more days bro before you have to break out the scissors. And like trig and spike said...easy on the nutes. Good luck and let them buds get all swolled!


Active Member
she is short and bushy and her pistils are long and bright white! im going to giver her nutes slowly, but let me ask another question...? i have 3 nute bottles "green, brown, and red. i know they mean N-P-K not in that order but my question is, first stages of flowering which one does it need more of ?


Well-Known Member
she is short and bushy and her pistils are long and bright white! im going to giver her nutes slowly, but let me ask another question...? i have 3 nute bottles "green, brown, and red. i know they mean N-P-K not in that order but my question is, first stages of flowering which one does it need more of ?