Lowryder#2 5 weeks from seed. Inputs please?


Active Member
these are my 2 males and 1 female ( =/) 5 weeks since seedling and ive been growin them in my balcony under sunlight..

do you think the males have pollenated the female yet? or maybe when would they be ready?

Any other comments r also welcome



New Member
Well i can't tell from your pics, Mine are pollinated at 5 weeks, but there inside and look to be ahead of yours. If your growing outside why not just keep the male around awhile till your sure. It seems to me that with my plants the hairs turned red as soon as they were pollinated, But i left my male alive just to be sure.

Good Luck


Active Member
nah cant do that really, stealth issues..

anyways i chopped off the males.. i hope female got pollinated some but if not no big deal...

Im using a 7-3-7 fertilizer for now... will this be ok for flowering or I should go get something else?


Active Member
nah cant do that really, stealth issues..

anyways i chopped off the males.. i hope female got pollinated some but if not no big deal...

Im using a 7-3-7 fertilizer for now... will this be ok for flowering or I should go get something else?
Well, in vege you need more N so a NPK 7-5-5 is good. When your plant is in bloom you must use more P and K and less N. N is very important in vege but in flowering it can delay the bloom.

P.S. I'm sorry for my english but i don't speak it very well (i'm italian out grower)


Well-Known Member
If you look at those white hairs, She is in flower allright. She Looks nice too bye the way.
Yes ease off the N and hook up the P K and you will see a difference real soon.
I love these little plants.
Good Luck


Active Member
Ok, I bought a bloom fert... The only one I could find with higher P value was 13-40-13 though..

the instruction says 5cc for 250cc of water every week during blooming stage..

It this an appropriate fert? Since the values are higher then what Ive seen around here.. I dont want to burn the plant... Should I start with half of whats recommended? or even more diluted?

Help is appreciated.. thanks!


Well-Known Member
hey derv.. if your plants are pollinated the hairs will turn brown.. i think your firt numbers are too high.. joint doctor site has great growing info..he is breeder of the low ryder strain.. weezer


Active Member
hey pics look great. im waiting for my order of low ryder 2. Just wondering how tall the plant is right now. also has anyone smoked that strain. i just want to hear some good news.


Active Member
she is about 10 inches..

i did a 1/4 diluted watering today... we'll see what happens....

btw i discovered some bugs today :( will get pics asap


Well-Known Member
Mine matured at 9 weeks from seed. I started 4 and had 2 males that I executed. The males grew 2X as fast as the girls. There just wasn't enough weed to warrant growing more. My 2 little girls gave me about 3 grams. I got toasted but not enough quantity per plant. Now if you planted a gazillion of em it would be different.

Good Luck



Well-Known Member
why wouldnt you fully pollinate that low ryder? you could sell the seeds for 5 a piece and make killer money and save plenty to grow sensi later