lowrdyer 2# fem. seed grow


this is my first real grow
my soil setup is pretty basic, mixture top soil, pertlite and organic mix. i have a 250w hps going for 20/4 cycles since lowrdyer 2# are autoflowering. i have two of them growing right now they are on about day 6? i believe from sprouting. I am creating this thread cause i am sure that i will be having a lot of questions along the way and will be posting pics as well....oh and forgot to note that temps are 85 at the hottest temp, i use two fans for air flow....:mrgreen:


i have a slight leaf curl on the edges of the leaf were the tips are, wondering why this is and if it will have a neg. effect on my plants


Well-Known Member
cant see anything in those pics ..they look alrite. do u have more seeds? ifso u should plant 1 with about 1-2 weeks inbetween so your constantly harvesting


you cant see anything wrong? it seems that one of the leaves has curled more too, like a taco somewhat, wondering why this may be
are my lights to close?my lights are about 7-8.5 inches away and they were well watered yesterday/ i gave them a flush just in-case, but the color of the foliage seems to be fine


Well-Known Member
yes your hps is to close , i also have a 250 hps . and wow they put out abit off heat i would go a good 30-40cms away from the plant and then maybe bring them down to 8 inches when there 14 days +. if the foliage hasnt changed colour and still looks nice n lush then its either a heat/humidity problem or to much/to litte water. your not watering everyday are you ?


no i dont water everyday, thanks for the advice will change the light distance
what should my humidity be? i dont have any equipment to change humidity are let alone measure it
so far everything is looking fairly decent i will be posting pics later in the day


they sure are mate, just hoping there wont be any surprises down the road will post some pics later this weekend


sorry for being away so long its been kind of crazy for me lately, not to much has happened for out of the ordinary, its been kind of smooth sailing lately:D. both plants are looking healthy, just a little leaf curl on a couple,but no worry. So who i dubbed "Big Bertha" is about 8in right now and the other "Little Lady" is 6in. Havent added anything to them still to early, wont add much later either, just a little molasses to help the buddage. Im keeping them at about 77f and on 20/4 and they love it, they have been picking up speed on growth too, this maybe because i had them on a 24/0 schedule and it was somewhat rough on them. I will try to update more frequently than last time, went back to school and then working a lot..so here are some picks for day 16, there is a little bit of white hairs showing now on the plants




while inspecting my ladies i noticed that my tips of the leaves are starting to yellow, this can be found on old leaves as well as new ones, i know its not a heat issue or lack of watering. I am wondering what kind of problem is it, i looked around and found that it could be nutrient K defienc. or a Nitrogen deficience. it is day 24 and they've been starting to flower, big bertha is 1.7ft and little lady is about 1.5ft


alright so we have Big Bertha at just a little over 2 feet and then we have little lady coming up from behind at about 1.6ft. Both plants seem to be doing well. You can notice some of the tips of leaves getting a yellow tint to it, but it hasnt spread any farther then the tip, and another thing that has made me quit frieghtened was that it appeared i had some sort of bug problem, something looked like it had been chewing on my leaves leaving a yellow color around the bite spots, but ive been checking daily and it looks like there hasnt been anymore attacks. Ive been keeping them on 20/4 and the temps are around 75f. i am wondering if these are lowrdyer 2's ive checked some other lowryder 2 grows and when compared to mine it looks different, anybody who knows the answer shout it out, be much appreciated



here are the lovely ladies at day forty-two, have a magnesium problem but is in the process of fixing it, as well have some rust color blotches on the leaves trying to fix that as well. when i smell the cola there is a little bubblegum smell the fills the nostrils, i hope this smell really comes out in the eventual cure process



Well-Known Member
here are the lovely ladies at day forty-two, have a magnesium problem but is in the process of fixing it, as well have some rust color blotches on the leaves trying to fix that as well. when i smell the cola there is a little bubblegum smell the fills the nostrils, i hope this smell really comes out in the eventual cure process
Nice grow. I really like lowryder 2 ....easy to grow and the taste is really good even after drying/before curing. :bigjoint: