LowLife autos, Blueberry & Lemon skunk. Coco-Hydro under the sun. [started 07/2]


Greetings mates!

I'm new to RIU, and growing. But I'm hardly new to cannabis. I love the herb, the culture, and of curse the marvelous feelings you get if you happen to set the crop on fire. :eyesmoke: I'm also somewhat engaged in the legalization movement.

This is my second grow-op, my first one was a long time ago. And had to come to an end early due to other reasons. Hope I'll do better this time! I have thought about growing my own crop fore quite some time now. I think I got the knowledge I need for a good harvest. What I lack is experience, but hopefully I'll get the help I need from this forum and thread. :mrgreen:

This is my setup
Setup said:
AutoPot, Easy2Grow: 47l tank, 4x 8,5l pots and 2 pot trays.

Coco Bounce (Coco bricks) ~5l/pot
Perlite ~3l/pot

The Sun
Close to 18/6 in the beginning, and close to 12/12 at the end.

Start Harvest
Peek of summer End of summer/early fall.

Advanced nutrients "Expert level" + bud blood, Sensi Zyme

Sensi Grow/bloom A+B

Plant/crop Boosters:
Bud Blood
Big Bud
Bud candy
Final phase

Root zone:
Voodoo juice
Sensi Zyme

SeedBank - Strains:
LowLife - Auto Blueberry x5 fem
LowLife - Auto Lemon Skunk x5 fem
Day 4:
Up to this point I have germinated my seeds. 3 BB and 3 LS have popped, 3 have all ready broken ground. 4 seeds have not germinated at all, they are now placed in cups with water. I'll give them 48 more hours before giving up on them.
(Only 6/10 germinated!? Bad, Normal, Needs more time? :-?)

The seedlings are currently living in Jiffys in a mini-greenhouse with perlite on the bottom, sitting on my windowsill (sun-side of building).

Pics show:
1. Lemon skunk Close up.
2. Nutrients used during veg phase.
3. Mini greenhouse overview.
4. Blueberry close up.

Comments are welcome!



Well-Known Member
man, I dunno about growing bud in your window sill.

does that window get enough light?? for a long period?

just curious, if it were me? I would just grow them indoors.. instead of just putting them in the window.. and hoping for the best.

well, either way.. good luck to ya.


Oh sorry.. They will move out on the balcony when they are a little bit bigger.. About 4-5 h of direct sun.

I was originally going to grow White widows and rhinos indoors in a closet. But some unforeseen expenses ruined the indoors option.
This Auto-grow is my budget option until I can afford the equipment I lack.


Day 6:
The girls got transplanted and moved out to the balcony today.
I soaked my coco bricks in PH'd quarter strength nutrient solution (1ml/L sensi grow and 0,5ml/l of voodoo juice, pirahna, sensi zyme and B25).
Then mixed the coco with perlite so I got 4 pots full. (~20l coco and 10l perlite). Put my babys in them and finiched of with a top layer of perlite, fore light reflection and moisture trapping.

Another seed died on me to. :( I'm down on a 50% grow rate of the seeds (4 didn't pop, and the last didn't grow).
Is this grow rate normal? Has Lowlife week seeds? Well I'm not to happy about it! :-?

But I got 5 girls to look after, 3 blueberry and 2 lemon skunk. :blsmoke: The pot that the blueberrys share are spited down the diagonal with some thick black "bag-plastic"

The girls also got their first feeding today, 1/4 strength sensi grow, voodoo juice and B52. Watching em every 20 min ready to flush if needed..

No pics this time, just some seedlings forming their first set of finger leafs..
Don't think anyone is all that interested of watching that.. ;)


Time fore a little update.

During this week the girls have been fed 1/4 (25%) strength nutrients, and I have flushed them a couple of times. I had some problems with high PH in the pots, but I'll hope that's sorted out now..

Yesterday i changed the nuts in the tank, and increased the strength to 1/3 (33%), so far no sign of trouble. =)
in the tank:
Sensi grow 2ml/1,5l
B52 1ml/1,5l
Voodoo juice 1ml/1,5l
one pinch of piranha.

The girls seems to love the outdoors of my balcony. The lemon skunks are developing a little bit faster than the blueberries. And I can already smell the blueberry and lemon aromas (when I have touched them my fingers smell) :weed:
The girls two days ago
1 Blueberry#1. 2 all of them. 3 blueberries. 4 Skunk#1. 5 Skunk#2.

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And an hour ago
1 Blueberries. 2 Skunk#2. 3 Blueberry #1. 4 all of them. 5 Skunk#1

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As you can see they are speeding up the grow rate now!
~8 weeks to go, can't wait to taste them! bongsmilie


We have had som bad weather the last days. And the babes showed sign of over watering. The last tow days they have been lifted out of the auto-watering trays and been alowed to drain and dry up. I'll guess they will go back in the trays tomorrow, or the day after that.

I'm about worried about their sizes 2,5-4"tall and 3-5" wide.
But the last days they have seeded up the grow rate, and now they all are ware "skunk#1" ware in my last post, and the skunk 1 is about the same BUT in "the next leaf set".

I do have one question.
About when to switch up to bloom nutrients.
The thing is that I have ANs Bud Blood, a bloom booster supposed to only be used the first week of flowering. It's suppose to increase the number of budding sites, and give bigger buds. And from the tests I seen, it have shown good results!
I have also asked AN about the "flowering triggering function" of this nut. It won't force a plant in to flower without changing to 12/12, unless its an auto.
They claim...

At what stage do I switch to flower nuts?
Lowlife say 3weeks from seed, ousters say "when first 5-finger-leaf are complete" or some thing else etc..


Well-Known Member
They look about right for their age m8.. looking good.. Are you uising coco-specific nutes or not? I see you are using Advanced nutes which I have heard lots of good things about..(I am using Canna Coco A+B) it will be interesting to see how yours turn out without using 'coco specific' nutes..

When your plants are about 3-4 weeks old they will start to use the Autopot system better - they just need a little time to create a decent root system. Or for next time: start in little pots, wait until you have sexed, then put in the Autopot.. you'll love them when they start feeding themselves - saves so much guess work & time mixing up new batches of feed!


Maybe I'll try bottom feeding them for a while, let them soak the tray fore an hour or so, then lift them up fore some days.. (Maybe soak the two times as a way of flushing, humm..)

The nuts I got are coco-compatible, coco-safe mark on some, and printed in the text on others.
But i dont worry about that, I got bacteria, fungi and enzymes additives to help keep a healthy root zone and the nutrients available. And fore their sizes they must have massive roots, when I flushed them the last time (between sets of pics), I saw how the medium ware held together by the roots aprox 2" out from the stem. And that was 4 days ago. So it's happening alot of things underground, I believe.


Day 19 from seed.

Running in to my first set of trouble hear. One of the blueberrys are very tiny and looks to grow a set of deformed leafs. It's also showing yellowish spots on the lower set of finger leafs. This spots are shared with a lemon skunk and a blue berry as well..

I have looked around and thing its eater under feeding (1/3stringth) or some kind of mites (cant spot eny under the spotted, or any outer set of leafs..) (haven seen leafs quite like mine when i goggled.)

I have problem with climbing PH but when it's of with more than 0,5 i flush with a 6,0 solution(1/3 base zyme b52 and voodoo).

What can cause of the spots? and whats the treatment?
And what are the tell tell singes of when they are ready to change in to bloom? (when to change to bloom nuts? )

1:the gange. 2: Lemon skunk #1 3: lemon skunk#2 4: Blueberries. 5: Blueberry.

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Well-Known Member
They like fine to me I can't see anything that you should be worried about.. as for bloom nutes I start mine when they show sex which is usually after 15-21 days or so.. are you just growing in perlite? if so, maybe up the dosage to half strength now.. I went full strength nutes after week 3.. bear in mind different strains are more dependant than others.. looking great though m8


Day 21 from seed
Yesterday the got some 1/2 strength nuts, the loved it, new growth and leafs are greener now. I'll properly start working up the feeding. The next time its time for food they will get 2/3 a couple of times. And I'll hope I'm up to full strength in time fore bloom.

I Got pure perlite on top, white reflects light and the perlite traps evaporating water. Underneath i have about 50/50 of coco and perlite.

Growth is speeding up, see fore your self's! :mrgreen:
1. Blueberry#1, 2. blueberry#2, 3.Skunk#1, 4. all. 5 Blueberry#3, 6 Blueberries (2&3), 7. Skunk#2.
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The Big skunk (#1) shows sign of flower now. I can see white hairs on the node under the new growth. Tried to get a pic, but my camera can't handle the close macro shot. Gave hire a good 4l of flower solution just now. Flush that old growth solution out.
Flower feeding. (50%)
2ml/l base (sensi Bloom+b)
1ml/l Voodoo, sensi zyme, Piranha
And ,25g / ~0,5ml/l of bud blood powder.


Thought I'd talk a little about my bloom nuts. Now when I'll change them as they start to show sex.

As my base I got Sensi Bloom A+B, In addition to NPK it caries Ca Mg and S

This weeks only booster are Bud Blood. In addition to P/K, and micro nuts it has hormones supposed to increase bud size, budding sites and speed up the flowering process. Helping the plant to switch to bloom phase quicker. And from the looks from different forums it seems to work. (AN even clam it can force an auto in to bloom. (by mail))

This weeks root zone enhancers are Voodoo juice, ben. bact. Piranha, ben. fungi and sensi zyme, enzymes and microbes. These are not nuts, but keeps the root zone healthy, and some of the stuff helps the plant to absorb nuts. (or so AN claim)

The full strength of nuts are:
Base 4ml/l
Liquid additives 2ml/l
Bud blood, ,5g/l (5ml~7grams)
Piranha ,2g/l (15ml~7grams)
A pic of them.
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Day 26 from seed.

with good weather comes good growth. :-P
The lemon skunks are blooming, but the blueberries aren't, hope they are until next time I'll give a update.

The feeding are 3/4 strength all around (except fore bud blood that goes in at full power) (bloom fore skunk and grow fore blueberry). So far the ladies seems to enjoy their food. I also have gone back to "tray feeding them" in stead of "watering".

1. lemon skunk #1. 2. Blueberry #2. 3. lemon skunk #2. 4. lemon skunk #1. 5. blueberry #3. 6. blueberry #1. 7 the overview.

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Yeay! Two (#1 & 2) of the BBs are flowering! =D just the small one that's lagging behind now.
BB#3 got changed to bloom nuts as well.
I also cut back the feeding to 1/2. Skunks started to show some early sings of over feeding. And i don't think they need that much nuts now when the weather is crappy (?).

No pics 2day, bad weather has slowed growth down, about the same as last set of pics. ;)


One month from seed.

All are now in bloom phase! :)

But I have problems with some kind of pests!! I have seen how "holes" appear on the leafs over night.. What I have done is to cut of the infected aria. But this is juts a temporary solution.

If anyone knows how to fight this problem please tell me!!
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At the hole most of the leaf is eaten, but the top layer of the leaf is still there. making it look like it's covered in "plastic foil".

I have seen this in the "wild" and it's not pretty...

The skunks are being fed with big bud instead of bud blood. I'll give the bbs a few more days on bud blood then its time to load up the res and start auto feeding.

The gals are growing and getting bigger despite the pests. heare are the usual pics.
1. Skunk#1. 2. skunk#1 3. Skunk#2 4. Skunk#2 5. Blueberry #1 6 Blueberry #1 7. Blueberry #2&3. 8. Overview
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Day 35 from Seed. (half way)

The caterpillars seems to be gone, but i can see outher bugs crusing around on my plants, and i also got spots on the leafs. Well just to spray on and hope for the best i guess.

Outer than that they are ding well. Suspect that they are blooming are bit slow. only the big skunk that has formed (true) flowers. hope they will finish in time or that i find the $£€ for a proper grow chamber.

I just gave them 1,5l of 3/4 strength nuts (in the trays), now we see how they take it this time!

But hey! it has happen a lot sines last Friday, pics are from yesterday. :)
1. BB#1 2. BB#3. 3. BB#1. 4. all. 5. LS#2 6. LS#1 7. LS #1 8.LS#2 9. BB# 2&3. 10. BB#2

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Let me know how I'm doing!! :)
Hey my firts post on this site....I am watching your grow very closely..my autoflowers sprouted about one week behind yours..thanks to your post I can get a feel if I am doing everything right..I have 5 blue mystic autoflowers from Nirvana..all five sprouted but they sprouted one at a time with the last one sprouting a full week after the first one popped..I picked this strain as they are "low odor" which I need for outdoor stealth growing..today I am going back to my local hydro store and pick up some nutriants they recommend for my plants..so keep the post going..I need all the advice I can gleam from the internet..


Good to know that my posts helps someone. :)
Don't worry to much about your seeds sprouting at different times, i got 2-3days between BB#1 and BB#2, #2 was the later one, but shes the bigger one now.

As fore smell, Mine don't smell that much, yet. And they are not supposed to be "lows-smell" strains. Autos are small, thus they don't smell all that much. (surface-aria and all that) But better safe than sorry ;)

What nuts did you get? And are you running a soil or hydro grow? Cheers!


Day 39

The gals are being feed trough my res now, the auto-feeding seems to be working Gr8.

I'm still on 3ml/l of my base and additives goes in at full strength.

The three smaller plants seems to bee busing up now.. especially bb#1 =) But it's just LS#1 that are fully in to bloom, the outer ones are just showing pre-flowers. Well hope they will come around in the next days.. If not, I will try feed the lagging plants an outer dose of bud blood.

And the pests seems to be gone! :) Some leafs shows spots, but no new ones appear..

The pics:
1. LS#2. 2. All. 3. Ls#1 .4.Ls#1 .5.LS#1 .6. BB#1. 7. BB#2&3.
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Day 42 from seed. ("Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything".. R.I.P, D.N.A)

Well I wish I had better weather but what can I do..

Still just LS#1 that's fully in to flower, but the rest are forming flowers as well, just a matter of days now i believe.

The big one sins the last update is that BB#3 has gotten LSTed. The lower part of BB#2 and some parts of BB#1 didn't get enough light. And sine she seems to get quite bushey I hope that this will increase her yeald as well (more colas).

Shes taking it quite well and i can't see any sign of trouble.
This is what it looked like just after "bending" (two days ago)
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And hear are the days usual pics.
1All 2BB#1 3BB#2 4BB#3 5LS#2 6-8LS#1

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How much longer until harvest? Any experienced auto grower that can give a qualified guess? (getting a bit worried hear)