Lowes 5 gallon buckets and light...


Active Member
While trying to figure out why my PH wants to sit at 7.0 I noticed some dim light makes it through the lowes 5 gallon buckets I turned into my DWC system. Is this little bit of light enough to worry about and if so could this be the cause of my high PH?


Active Member
Algae causes pH to rise because they consume the carbon dioxide (which is acidic) in solution. And those buckets do let in enough light for algae if you don't light insulate them. It's plausible. Do you see anything funky in the reservoirs?


Active Member
Nothing at the bottom of the buckets or controller reservoir, yet... Guess I will take the time to wrap the damn things in foil tape.


Active Member
The Lowes buckets I've been using are all opaque. You sure it's letting light through? I've been using these buckets for several grows now with no probs.


Active Member
They are the gray buckets that say lowes on the side of them. Its not too much light but enough for me to notice, and to my understanding any light = algae and such. This is my first hydro system and just trying to work out the quirks. If I dont need to spent the time and money to tape these or replace them that would be perfect.