Lowering humidity to dry, is damprid safe to use?


Active Member
Crops been drying 9 days now. It was hung as a whole plant for 6 days, then cut into branches for 2, then the buds were cut off and placed on screens yesterday. The problem is its rained about everyday since harvest and the humidity is well above 80% everyday. To combat this an air conditioner has been used to keep temps roughly 70F but humidity all day the lowest is 72%. They are enclosed in the grow closet with carbon scrubber and inline fan running and a small 6 inch clip on circulating air but no direct air flow on the buds.

A dehumidifier is not an option mine is a state away and one will not be bought just for this. Can damprid be used to lower humidity my thought was to place a couple trays of damprid in the closet and turn off the fans to see if that works. my concern is will the damprid flavor the herb in any way, the stuff has a slight smell and is suppost to absorb moisture but will it have an adverse affect on the smoke.

What other options do i have to lower humidity without a dehumidifier? Will these buds ever dry if the humidity stays at 70%?

Also note these are not the biggest buds, theres a bunch of em but were not talking huge colas here top colas are maybe 4 grams if they ever dried and popcorn buds.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
you want it ideal a 70 degrees 50% humidity...you need a dehumidifier...no doubt about it...our get another air condioner.it will lower the humidity the colder it gets...


Active Member
Right on kinda decided that last nite i need a dehumidifier I was thinkin of buyin one from wally world and returning it in a few days. My concern is with the one I have it heats up the room so much it may be a problem. when I had ran it with my AC in almost broke the AC making it work too hard. Was the dehumidifier too big for the space maybe? So should I get the big one from Wally world, the ventilation for the closet is attatched to a 10 x 10 bedroom so everything is contained in that room or do I want a small bathroom sized one i think i saw the Evadry but it uses a gel to reduce humidity will that affect the buds.


Active Member
I bought the ~30 pint one from Wally. Seems the one I had at home is broken, when i first got it it got so hot that I assumed thats how they work but i bought a broke one off craigslist haha.

On a side note used the damprid in a sealed bucket a la mushie style drying to dry a couple stragler buds to test the damprid and it gets my vote for a decent way to quick dry buds to test em out. Had little buds that over 9 days werent even showing signs of fully drying and a couple hours over nite bone dry, too dry but dry and good enuf to smoke with the damprid. To me better than an oven, microwave or any other quick dry methods.


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents, I live where the humidity (RH) stays in the 80 to 90% range constantly. Living in the tropics and at 2000 meters above sea level has tested my ability to dry and cure my plants. I have been growing for many years and tried so many methods of the years from the old traditional ways (outside in open) to drying rooms. Being in Costa Rica now and not having all the things that you have in the States and other areas of the world, we are a 3rd world nation without doubt, I have had to figure how to not ruin what has taken me 4 to 6 months to produce.
The last 3 cycles I have grown I have dried totally in the open air, with a bit of sunshine thrown in when the plants become too moist due to day after day of rain. Keeping airflow around them is the secret there. The whole story is it takes me about 3 to 4 weeks to get them ready for the cure jar. The advantage to this in my opinion anyway is by the time you put them in the jars they already smoke very well. I am not saying this is for everyone or that everyone has the conditions to make this method viable for them. There are also the people which say you are totally degrading your smoke since it sees the light of day, all I can say it works for me and I am happy with the smoothness and the punch I get.
Personally I wouldn't use DampRid in my dry, maybe you can control the moisture content with it but I would think it will be hard to control. I wish you the best of luck, but as long as you don't see mold I wouldn't rush them.


Active Member
It took 11 days to get to the jar. 6 drying as a whole plant, 3 hanging branches, and 2 days cut buds on screens with the dehumidifier. For this being a first harvest i learned a lot more having them have problems drying than if they dried proper. I liked the fact it took a little bit longer. They were put in the jars about 12 hours ago, they were just starting to crisp when i put them in there im guessing theyl be softer when i check the jars in a few moments. I was concerned about mold because they had some nute burned bud leaves and was fearing they may rot...all looks good tho.

My biggest complaint about the crap kind bud that goes around the area is its never cured or even fully dry so im takin my time gona let em cure in jars for couple weeks also. Even the guy I got the clone from smokes wet weed, chops too early, and quick dries everything he does. It was fun to take the same clone and do it my way.

Thanks for the input canefan!