Hello. thanks for your help in advance!!
- Im not sure if these plants are healthy or if this is normal flowing yellowing.
- I just hit week 4 of flowering and the plant on the left in the image below, has it's lower leaves yellowing and the tips are turning brown.
- Everything up top seems healthy.
- My nutrient schedule is:
- Day 0 flowering both plants got 2 TBSP of bone meal
- Then I every 2 weeks I alternate between: 1 tbsp kelp meal + sprouted seed tea OR 1/4 cup worm castings. (as in day 0 = bonemeal, day 14 = worm castings, day 28 = kelp+seed tea)
- I started everything in 3 gal of ocean forest and once a month I would give 1 tbsp of alfalfa meal/ plant.
- I dont imagine I am over fertilizing the plants but the brown tips are like nutrient burn so I'm confused
. Does anyone have an idea of what's going on?