

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

So recently I decided to lower my veg tent wattage to 300 from 600 VIA digital ballast. I put the plants that had used the 300 watt veg cycle in the 600 watt flower tent. From what I have seen this is is working amazingly in 2 weeks so far. The nodes are very close and it looks like the plant itself will be very full despite not being quite as tall.

I was just wondering if any body knows anything about this and has any suggestions or information. I want to know if this is a good,bad, or neutral idea, And why.

Thank you,



Well-Known Member
Hi Suiaunoa, Is the veg ballast bulb metal halide or HPS? Is the flower ballast bulb HPS or MH? Did you flip the plants to 12/12 in the flower tent?


Yes the veg light is MH and the flower is HPS. yes the flower is 12/12.
thnx to both of you guys for your responses thus far.

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
Yes that is the normal way to do it. When you do the flip, the first two weeks they will stretch like crazy naturally. Using the MH bulb for first 3 weeks of flower is a way to keep the internode distance short and tight so they will be more dense and less height in you canopy. The MH blue spectrum promotes tight nodes. So I would move the MH bulb to flower ballast so at least the first 2 or 3 weeks the internodes will stay short....After 3 weeks you can swap back the HPS bulb as they start producing real flowers they will love the HPS red spectrum more.

MH bulbs should always be used in veg, and the first 2 or 3 weeks of flower. It is purely optional, but that is the optimal way to keep your plants squat so you yield more. Good questions and good work!


Well-Known Member
Be careful *when* you are changing the bulb, you do not want to interfere with the new 12/12 photoperiod at all. If you interrupt the 12/12 cycle of lightness and darkness your plants will get confused and start vegging again... Any kind of light leak during their dark period will mess things up. So the ideal time to swap bulbs is 5 minutes before your flower ballast turns on. When changing the bulb, put a sock on your hand so you don't leave hand oil on your bulb (causing it to lose life and decrease its lumens)

make sense?


Well-Known Member
If I understand the question correctly your asking if it is better to give them 300 watts of light during veg (when you have the ability to give them 600 watts) so you can give them 600 watts during flowering to get tighter nodes and height restraint. The answer is no that's silly. If you can give them 600 watts during veg then do it. Your method has no benefits. If you want to keep your plants shorter there are many other ways to accomplish that without sacrificing yield.