Lower temps last Two weeks flower


Well-Known Member
What are the advantages or dis advantages of keeping my temp around 60 during the ripening period it's usually 75 when the lights on and 65 when they're off what if I keep them 65/on 60/off


Active Member
u need to average 75-80 when lights r on and lowest 65 at night. so your plants r freezing in vegging time might stunt the growth.. but also they always say a "Plant" will adapt to it surroundings. .
i've been learning how to grow from a coupla guys at the hydro store i go to. i did my last crop around 75 day, 66 night. they have me going at 69-71 day and 65-66 night. the girls seem to be responding to it pretty good. and it also helps if you have any kinda bug problem starting up.


Well-Known Member
I've read slot about coulder temps bringing
out the true colors of them and somepeople say they trich up more just curious ive never dropped them


Active Member
yep its happening to my plants. the temps have been around 50f during lights off and never go over 72f. the leaves are starting to turn. its pretty cool.