Lower plant leaf completely yellow....HELP!!(PICS)


Well-Known Member
The other day this bottom leaf started to turn yellow and now i think its completely dead. Other than that the plant looks healthy. My questions is should i leave it on or cut it off? it has some new growth coming from right inbetween that leaf and the stem. Here are the pics. Let me know what you guys think...



Well-Known Member
The leaf wil fall off. dont worry. But you need to start feeding now, that why your plant is yellowing lack of nitrogen. Pick up some good growth fertilizer and feed it 1/4 streangth and work your way up to full strenght

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
It is cut so that's probably a clone right? When the plant was making roots it sucked the fan leaf dry. You can cut it near the stem but don't try to pull it or you could skin the plant. It doesn't need pulled as 101 said it will eventually fall off.


Active Member
in my opinion i would just cut it off it is pretty much dead weight, get rid of it that way the rest of the plant can use its energy to just grow and not recover from stress, i would use hydrogen proxide and clean a set of snips and trim it off that way you it does not get contaminated and spread to the rest of ur plant. Anyways i wish you the best of luck!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the insight. i think iim just going to cut it off today. i hate looking at that one bright yellow leaf :mrgreen:...