Lower leaves yellowing


Active Member
hey all i got a question for ye, my big ass momma plants have this very uniforming yellowing going on at the bottom its working its way up to almost half way up the plant and is becoming a problem, ive experienced nitrogen defeciency and i dont believe this to be it, the tips arent getting crunchy or anything and there not turning all yellow, the leaves are very light green and im thinking this is from lack of light? also all of them are tiny side shoots leaves, ive trimmed the plant like a foot up the stalk so im trying to cut down on cutting more off, but it just keeps progressing there about 4 feet tall and are eating 1200ppm which has worked fine before im going to try to bump up the ppm a little and see what happens but its starting to become a real issue this is supposed to be a low ppm plant by the way, hope somebody knows cause id like to keep these mommas alive!


Active Member
oh yeah and there all pretty much wilting (light green ones at the bottom) with some just dying off all randomly over night, im kinda stumped...


Active Member
thanks for the quick replys, i use cal-mag at its like highest rating and many additives should i increase the main nutes higher?