Lower leaves yellowing and tips of new growth....


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my two larger plants (22 inches) 42 day veggin are experiancing yellowing of lower leaves and some look like they are close to dying. It is slowly progressing up the plants but their also is yellowing of tips of new growth on alot of my plants two. Just a very slight yellowing but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse over the past week. I need help.

I'm feeding with floramicro and flora bloom. 2 to 1 ratio. I feed about once a week with nutes and once a week in between with straight water. I'm not sure if it is lack of nitrogen or too much nutes or something else.

Pics in a few minutes


Active Member
dude., i had that exact same problem. alll tha fan leaves were wilting off from bottom to top.. but it all stoped when i transplanted it so its most likely something in the soil, some kinna imbalance or deficiency or something...it could also be caused by tha roots bein stunted because tha size of tha container is too small... how big is your container ?.,, n how long has it been growing in it,, n also, how big was tha pot that tha plant was in before it was in the current pot ?...


Well-Known Member
The two which are showing the signs were transplanted into 5 gallon buckets the rest are in like 1 gallon so I don't think that's the problem.