Lower Leaves Light Green/Yellowish In Color.....pics


Looks a lot tlike the prob i been having, First that pot look v small for that plant hence the plant uses the water up fast meaning you prob watering a lot this might be stopping oxygen getting to the root mass, over pot in2 a bigger pot (7.5 liter) and double cheak your soil ph from your run off and see if it high or lower than the water you putting in. You might be locking out sum neuts. Good luck fella!.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the wonderful community of RIU!! It's hard to say what your prob could be as it seems like early stages. More info of your grow would help you to get more accurate answers.
Older marijuana plants will almost always loose some of their bottom foliage, completely normal.
As long as this leaf curl and paling isn't happening very quickly you should be good.
Try to invest in bigger pots... you should always fill the soil 1 inch from the top so the plant can use as much space for her roots as possible.
You might also be over watering, let your soil dry out good before watering.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
The lower leaves are distinctly lighter in color than the mid and upper leaves. I've researched this only to be stuck in between 3 possible deficiencies. Can anyone give their best diagnosis and point me in the right direction.
My two cents worth, give them 1 tblspn of molasses with their next watering. This will give them many trace elements, carbs, help your soil and renew their vigor. Molasses is not just an aid for flowering but applied throughout their growth will help give you better overall growth and assist in a great root system. Bigger pots also will help.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The lower leaves are distinctly lighter in color than the mid and upper leaves. I've researched this only to be stuck in between 3 possible deficiencies. Can anyone give their best diagnosis and point me in the right direction.
Islander5000..... Often people see lighter colored or yellowing older leaves and assume Nitrogen deficency. Don't
First check the soil pH. If the soil pH is too low under 6 or too high over 7.2, Nitrogen is being locked out. You could have plenty of Nitrogen in the soil, it's just unavailalbe. Adjust soil pH if necessary in small increments.
If the soil pH is in the proper range, check the pH of your fertilizer (once mixed up). If it's too low, under 5.5 or over 7, the pH issue can be one that comes and goes. That makes it harder to figure out. If your mixed up fertilizer is out of the proper pH range, adjust in small increments to bring it back in range, before use.
Overwatering can also do this. If the soil pH is good and the fertilizer pH is good. Let the soil dry out slightly before watering in anything else. Roots that are drowning from too much water, contribute to poor plant health, often seen as yellowing leaves.
Also, if you have been applying fertilzer too often, this can cause yellowing, because it pushes soil pH out of range. If the soil pH is out of range because of very frequent feeding. Flush with three times the pot volume. Example. 2 gallon pot, flush using 6 gallons of water pH adjusted to 6 on the pH scale
If all of these have been ruled out. Repot to a bigger pot, with quality soil, which is light and fluffy. If the soil your plants are currently in, is a bit compacted (chokes roots - because it reduces available oxygen), repotting with a lighter soil mix will help greatly. Mixing good quality potting soil or well aged compost 50/50 with coco fiber (rinse well before use) works well. Adding a handful of worm castings in the new soil, prior to repotting also is very beneficial.
IMHO your pots do look too small, and potting up to a bigger size will definately help. With small volumes of soil, anything you water in has a more dramatic effective.
Last thought... Some strains are just lighter in color than others. Over applying a higher Nitrogen fertilizer, causes the smaller leaves (because of their size) to become a darker green quicker. Since, I don't know what strain you are growing, I can't say, but keep this in mind also.
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real....Organic.....