Lower fan leaves yellowing already?


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I just went and checked on my plot and noticed alot of the lower fan leaves down by the base of the plant are already yellowing? This seems a bit early if you ask me. I'm going to hit them with feed tonight and see if that helps. I will get pics up after I am done feeding.

We had ALOT of rain lately. Im thinking it washed the nutes out of the soil. I am Mixing up nutes right now. Hitting them each with a gallon containing 4 tablespoons of Big Bloom and 4 teaspoon of Grow Big. Will have pics soon!
They are using lots of N now because of the stretch. If they can't get it from the soil the will cannibalize them selves and they start wit lowest leaves.

Well I hit them with a nice and heavy feeding. 1 gallon each containing 4 tablespoons big bloom and 4 teaspoons grow big. Hopefully that takes them threw the stretch :)