Low THC % Harvest! What Am I Doing Wrong?

Yeah wtf exactly. I've always felt there's some shady shit going on at my local dispensary. Got some bubba kush that tested 13% tasted like shit, terrible high. It was on the top shelf too. They have "sale bud" that's usually pretty fresh though. Idk, I'm still trying to figure how they work. You know they're not going to tell you. Oh, and you don't get to see the test numbers until you purchase and open the package.

I hear you. My wife used to buy form Tweed last year and they had Bubba Kush @ 13%. Allbud and other references show it north of 25%. I picked up some later that year at that same dispensary and it was fucking kick ass top shelf. I do not understand how an LP can produce such poor quality. Big difference though in price. Tweed was only $4.80/g where the dispensary was $12/g. If you bought an 1/8 you got a deal and the price dropped close to $10/g. Just goes to show though, if you want safe and go quality herb you need to grow your own. ;)
Word, I'm working on a little stock pile of my own so I don't have to buy it ever again.

Same here. First grow is 3-4 weeks from finishing, then round 2 starts with the already vegged plants. Hopefully I can get a decent cycle going for a continuous supply .... eventually.
THC % test is based on total mass provided (Weight)
Less moisture in your sample bud = less weight.
Less weight = higher reading.

When I was part of a op providing for a dispensary we would always send samples to be test that were around 4-6% moisture since then the moisture numbers would still be green and not draw attention to people looking at that. Getting below 3% the numbers would be yellow and people would notice.
Our stuff would test at 28-32% and the dispensary would pay top dollar.
Then the stuff we provided to them was around 15% moisture since it had more weight and longer bag life.
If we had sent a sample in around 15-16% moisture it would of only been around 16% THC and only gotten middle grade price.

Another trick I learnt to get higher numbers is water curing.
Bud of the same weight and moisture level would test 2% higher if it had been water cured. But the market for that was low since it also stripped away the smell.


its difficult for me, I understand your need to increase your personal profits I get it, but I hate you for doing this to the industry, and then again I love you for showing us the follies. all in all though go fuck yourself:finger::P