low temps


Well-Known Member
hi guys i recently had clones given to me and due to ova night temps becoming really
low i am concerned about the cuts they are 10 days from plants under 1 250watt cfl
about a foot away at the moment. but im also sharing this light to keep 2 bubba
kush plants mothers. will i be ok as normally take 14 days to strike root. dont want
to lose theses cuts temps are around 56 light on low i no but any ideas plzzz very much welcome
or is it possible to bring them into room temp exam kitchen using natural day light.


Well-Known Member
are you saying 56 is your low temp?

mine are at 53.2f right now lights off. i have fresh clones in the bubbler, 2 days old. I expect roots in 5 more. 10-14 days usually to go into pots.


Well-Known Member
If you're trying to root clones, you want 24 hour light. If it were me, I'd drop that light down closer, put it on 24 hours, and cover the clones with something opaque that'll block SOME of the direct light.