low temps=no harvest?


Active Member
hey, my plants are outdoor and all have showed sex, 3 females. one is starting to form buds, two bearly showing pistils. the temps at night are getting down to 12 degrees (celcius, farenheit=52 degrees). the 14 day trend is around the same, but last night was the first frost... no signs of trichs yet. think ill be able to get a decent harvest? if not would i be able to use the leaves and stems for cannabutter?


Active Member
basically need to know if a few frosts will kill it, and if not, will it even grow after a few frosts if it gets shocked??? or am i better off just ripping them down


Well-Known Member
Or at minimum, cover them with plastic to insulate a little at night.
How warm are you getting during the day?
How much light are you getting (direct/indirect)?
When do you usually start getting frost, rains, etc.?
If your weather holds off for 3 months or so, you might make the 1 plant, but if at all possible I suggest making it an indoor grow.


Active Member
well, today it was 22 degrees celcius. now its just getting dark and its 19, not supposed to go much lower. can't really make a greenhouse (guerrila grow), the plant that is budding is in a pretty shady area, which is pobably why it flowered much quicker. there are 13 hours of light a day, about 3-5 direct sunlight. we've already had a frost, just one. the 14 day trend says its supposed to rain once in the next 2 weeks. its fairly dry up here, humidity average is like 60% tho. wasnt really expecting to make it to flower, but now that i did i want it to finish so bad