Low stress training, with pics! And tops!

Been awhile guys, Here's an update. Two week's into flower for 3 of the plants, once these finish up I'll put more into flower and will be investing some more cash into the operation. I'm pretty excited to see how these turn out,



Well-Known Member
I do live in Nor Cal myself (born and raised in Portland though), so I do actually see Mendo's bud and it's pretty decent quality. I believe you on the seeds, but they clearly smoke a shit load and probably aren't the highest educated people. People with a higher education or IQ level tend to think of those types of things, ie. quality control. This guy is probably just trying to push products as fast as he can to make cash, which okay I get it, but if that's your plan than you need to think of your consumers before yourself. It's like having a guest walk into your house and not offering them something to drink or showing any signs of hospitality. It's just rude, and it makes you bitter towards that person. Something I've noticed with a TON of you guys (not all, but some) have the BIGGEST heads I've ever seen. It's like seriously? We're growing a plant, it's really not that hard nor is it anywhere near as complicated as computer programming, engineering or anything to that degree.

Here's a short clip of the new growth over the past few days, you can also see i transplanted to fabric pots.
View attachment 3489819
Yo sorry if it's a noob question, but how did you upload that gif/clip?


Well-Known Member
I'll go ahead and post here that I have kept up with mendo dope on facebook...instagram...all of the social media outleta rhat they post on. Even both bkeezy and old e of mendo dope said that the 618 lbs the cops had estimated was way over the amount they were actually going to pull. The biggest plants in that garden were 10 pound plants all day. But do the math...they really only had 15 of those big plants and they were all TGA plants. The other 10 were barneys farm vanilla kush, and they were 4-6 lb plants at most....so, do some math, 25 x 10 is 250lbs...618 my ass, don't believe everything you see or even hear. That plant your buddy is claiming to be 20 lbs needs to be punched in the face. You even said it yourself that people in this industry have huge heads. Well I hate to say it but your 20 lb plant growing buddy is one of them. Mendo dope has been growing low numbers since they were raided and are definitely not growing for profit these days.