Low Stress Training (LST) Guide


Here is a multi topped plant pulled out from under a scrog screen.
Several of the top larger buds were cut to remove her. She pulled
just over 4 OZs in soil. She is about 3' (feet) across. She was
topped 3 or 4 times during veg training for the screen.

I've also done out side plants like this and kept them at 4'-5'. Below
fence line. I do it early in veg and there seems to be no ill effect.
For a scrog I think is put less stress on the girls than tie down or
weights. I think those techniques cause ongoing and constant stress
~VS~ to cut the girls. They adjust and move on.


Active Member
For those of RIU who recognize me sup guys been busy last few days, but I wanted to share something with ya'll... LST IS AMAZING! I have trained my plants for years using supercropping but I have never seen results as fast as lst...

101_0268.jpg Only been LST'ed 18 hours and already what was undergrowth is turning into dense foliage... YAHOOOOOOOO!


Well-Known Member
Here is a multi topped plant pulled out from under a scrog screen.
Several of the top larger buds were cut to remove her. She pulled
just over 4 OZs in soil. She is about 3' (feet) across. She was
topped 3 or 4 times during veg training for the screen.

I've also done out side plants like this and kept them at 4'-5'. Below
fence line. I do it early in veg and there seems to be no ill effect.
For a scrog I think is put less stress on the girls than tie down or
weights. I think those techniques cause ongoing and constant stress
~VS~ to cut the girls. They adjust and move on.
Hell of a plant man what kind of light was that under?


Well-Known Member
For those of RIU who recognize me sup guys been busy last few days, but I wanted to share something with ya'll... LST IS AMAZING! I have trained my plants for years using supercropping but I have never seen results as fast as lst...

View attachment 1434012 Only been LST'ed 18 hours and already what was undergrowth is turning into dense foliage... YAHOOOOOOOO!
I know man the first time I ever used LST I about flipped shit when I didn't check my plants for 2 days cuz I was gone. The results come pretty fast.


Active Member
pretty fast indeed, next time lapse grow I'll have to try some LST with a day calendar show folks how quick the bush bushes when that hormone or what not is given a chance to do it's thing, I have a question though. I have no real knowledge of botany so bear with me if my concept is stupid but... if one overLSTed at one time therefore causing the plant to try to create and or use this hormone in extreme excess is it possible to hermify ones plants doing that? just a thought.


Hell of a plant man what kind of light was that under?
Cool ... Thank You...

"She" was a part of a scrog grow. The screen was 4' x 8' under 1 x 600 watt
and 2 x 400 watt HPS (1400 watt) over eight plants. Here is her harvest,
her yummy parts and her under the screen with her grow mates. :lol:


Active Member
Like the guide says the plant may be getting to close to the top of the fence line or something so LST that sucker to keep it out of sight :)


Well-Known Member
Yea If I do use lst outdoors I usually do it when they are about 10-20 Inches tall then I just let the plant grow. Of course you can always use it to keep your plants small outdoors like he said in the fence situation.


Have you guys ever used the "bruise and bend" technique? You don't have to cut the girls.
You can bruise an area on the branch by pinching it a few times. That location will become
mailable (soft) and you can simple lay the branch over have NOT cut her.

You can form a killer hedge and you don't loose the section your lowering. I'll find or make a
video showing the technique.



Well-Known Member
Have you guys ever used the "bruise and bend" technique? You don't have to cut the girls.
You can bruise an area on the branch by pinching it a few times. That location will become
mailable (soft) and you can simple lay the branch over have NOT cut her.

You can form a killer hedge and you don't loose the section your lowering. I'll find or make a
video showing the technique.

its also called super cropping.
i consider it a form of LST, but i only do it if i have a huge branch that wont bend with ease


Active Member
I have supercropped for years with amazing results, although I am finding LST has less "eek" factor for people I am training to grow (training to grow their own med's not recreational users I send them here)


When I do it outside I just bend the main stalk and allow to grow horizontal -vs- topping and
super cropping for a bushier plant. By not topping the main stalk the plant will grow in a singular
direction (horizontal) and not get round and bushier. It ends up like a long hedge. Once it grows
several feet long I top her and then the plant fills in for flower. Tie her down to a horizontal stick
or use a screen (fence) for support.

I usually put girls outside around March just to flower. Temps and hours are good for a few weeks.
I'll do one this year and take pics. It completey distorts the look of the plants as well. This is a
good thing.


Well-Known Member
When I do it outside I just bend the main stalk and allow to grow horizontal -vs- topping and
super cropping for a bushier plant. By not topping the main stalk the plant will grow in a singular
direction (horizontal) and not get round and bushier. It ends up like a long hedge. Once it grows
several feet long you take the main cola and then the plant fills in for flower. Prop up the one
end with a stick, tie it up or use a screen.

I usually put girls outside around March just to flower. Temps and hours are good for a few weeks.
I'll do one this year and take pics. It completey distorts the look of the plants as well. This is a
good thing.
i have seen this before. but you can do the same thing with lst and topping and just have alot more hedges instead of one main one you can have up to as many as you want.

looking forward to the picsbongsmilie


Yea .... I will only top after I've gotten a few lateral feet. But yes ... after the
top she will bush out like crazy. Nothing like the "sun" to promote growth ...


Well-Known Member
Yea .... I will only top after I've gotten a few lateral feet. But yes ... after the
top she will bush out like crazy. Nothing like the "sun" to promote growth ...
it looks like an outdoor scrog.
in this pic the guy is doing the same thing to keep it lower then the fence:mrgreen:


Yep .... sorta. That's a branch. Do that w/ the main stalk and all bottom the branches turn up and join the branches growing straight up. The main stalk ends up being the lowest part of the plant and all the branches grow above the stalk and up. That's why I call it a hedge.

And yes it is very much like a scrog if you spread her out and tie her down but the branches will always try to grow up toward the sun so the growth gets plenty thick. It's like all your branches swinging to one side of the plant.

Hella Sweeeeet!