low stress trainging auto ak47's lst

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
i've searched google and gone through atleast 10 topics and i cant find 1 decent topic on LST'ing auto's

has anyone got a picture they can share of a auto lst'd?
i would really like to see the results as i no autos grown normally have a nice big main cola.


i no the auto ak's side branch nicely on there own but i would like to see the stem tied down horizontal
The reason you can't find anything about LST on auto's is that they only grow to a finishing height of 16 to 18 inches, so there's usually no height problems. And any stress what so ever can hurt yield, since they grow to maturity not photo period.
But I wouldn't think that its any different than LSTing on regular plants. Good luck on your grow!

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt be doing it for hieght issues just for yield and hopefully more heavy top cola's, mmm like the name "low" stress training, it wont stunt the veg growth just promote side's, unless you tied down then cut the head off to jsut let the sides grow to cola's.

i think i will grow them normally and just do 1 LST'd.... or maybe not even bother with my autos.... i allways LST on normal ones though

thanks for input guys


Active Member
I've lst'd auto AK47 before. The plant had really good color but the yield was lower than the one I grew straight. If your going to LST it I suggest just bending it over once and keep the main stem horizontal for the rest of the grow. Also keep in mind the stem gets stiff quick on autos so I'd start bending them as young seedlings because after a few nodes they won't want to bend much anymore. I over did it on my last AK47 lst because she was pretty stiff.


If someone can tell me how to post pics from my sd card on to here ill post pics of my super silver haze auto femanized that im lst ing rite now on about day 30 cuz i need feed back on how there doing cuz this my first grow


i got five ssh autos from marijuana-seeds.nl and this is my first grow. i have 3 about 36 days in about 10 days since they have shown preflowers. but i think i might have stunted them cuz i topped all three of them on day 20 and i also started lst ing them. i heard its ok to lst autos but not top cuz they dont have enough time to recover. but they look really good i just think they could be a little bigger. ive got them under 2700 kelvin flourescent T8 on 24 hours FOR FLOWERING just for another week untill i get paid then im switching to a 250 watt hps. im using general hyrdoponics flori series. I WOULD REALLY LIKE SOME FEED BACK ON HOW THERE DOING. BECAUSE I ALSO HAD GOT 5 FREE SENSI KUSH SEEDS WITH MY ORDER AND STILL HAVE 2 SSH AUTOS THAT I JUST PLANTED IN SOIL ABOUT A WEEK AGO IM USING A PROFESSIONAL GROW MEDIUM CALLED METRO MIX THIS TIME(ON MY OTHER SSH AUTOS THAT R FLOWERING I USED A ORGANIC PEAT MOSS AND THE PH IS VERY LOW BUT LUCKILY IT HASNT SEEMED TO HURT MY PLANTS THAT MUCH) THESE SPROUTS ARE UNDER A 6500 KELVIN T8 AND 8 6500 KELVIN CFLS FOR VEG ON 24 HOURS I WHOULD LIKE MY SECOND GROW TO BE BETTER THAN THESE FIRST THREE SO ANY INFO IS HELPFULL. HERES MY PICS ILL TRY AND UPDATE SOON WITH MORE PICS OF MY SET UP

