Low Ryder2+ak47(using 120wled and food and drain setup)

Hello all! I will be starting my second grow this weekend using 6 lowrider2+ak47 and 2 free seeds from the tude. I forgot what the other two were I will post when they get in their pots. For my setup I will be using a bedroom in my house I have a 6" carbon filter, 10000btu portable ac, dehumidifier, two quadband120w led(quadband usees a mixture of orange blue red white) and this weekend I will be getting a c02 tank and regulator and I think I'm going to get another led. For my setup I will be using autopots. I have a 15g reservoir feeding two smaller reservoirs(for the plants) regulated by two float switches. I also got two aerators for a bubble stone underneath each plant and a larger one for the reservoir. I will be using foxfarm growbig,big bloom and tiger bloom for my nutes and for the medium I will be using coconut husks and perilite. The beans will be here today so I will start germinating them today. I think I'm going to use the paper towel method but I not sure yet. I will take pics this weekend when I put them in the soil. I will also be using humbolds own gravity For flower hardening. This is my second grow and my first one didnt go so well so I will be open for all criticism feel free to post any thoughts. I am new to the RIU community I just got turned on to this plethora of information that is the RIU site and I am very excited to undertake this grow with this new found knowledge base!!
Okay so it is 12:45am and I just finished setting up the rest of my room. I spray painted another coat to the reservoirs then I took down my lights to add a pulley to make it a little eaiser to raise and lower. And before I started all this I took 3 bricks of dehydrated seriously compressed coco husks and started soaking them in water. After I finished with my lights I brought the reservoirs back in and started running all my hoses. I also decided to put bubble stones underneath each of the plants going to see how that works. I SAY AGAIN this is my second grow I don't know very much and would be very thank full for anyone to leave a comment even if it's fuck off better than nothing I guess? Lol I don't have much time to read being I work 10 to 12 hours 6 to 7 days a week and I have no one to ask questions to..so ne way enough complaining back to the grow. I was reading something about treating your water with hydrogen peroxide but never got to read much does anyone know about this?? And also how important is it for all my reservoirs to be light proof? I am growin 8 plants so in the smaller reservoirs I have 4 bubble stones in each totaling 8 and I have a larger one in the main. I decided to germ the beans in their pots. Oh yea my beans came in this morning!!! So I started putting shit together at 700pm and I didn't sit down untill I had the seeds in the ground at about 12:30 12:45.. And oh yea I left my house for work at 545am and didn't start finishing things untill 7 because that's when I got home but I got it. This shits hard work I'll take pics in the next few days as they sprout... When would one start "day one" when I put them in the dirt or when they pop through the soil?
Okay so here's a lil update. 100% germination all of the lowriders are looking fine about2 inches tall.. But the two free seeds that attitude sente aren't looking so hot. The came up through the soil but there grow tips are still leaning sideways like the just popped through but they have had a few days to straighten up. Oh yea one of the low riders fell over and I'm not sure why but I just piled some soil up around her to hold her back up and I guess she's doin fine but I guess we shall see. I do have a c02 tank in the room but I don't think my levels are too high but I don't have a monitor yet it should be here Monday.
I am having problems with my seedlings 4 of my 8 have fallen over could anyone be so kind as to offer some suggestions as to why this would be happening I will post pics if it helps