low rh...high temps...


Active Member
so the spot i want to dry in had an rh at night of 23-26% and 75-78 temps by buds would dry out way to quick right?
so i am thinking to help slow it down some what if i keep all the leafs on them and trim after i dry? would it slow the drying time down enough?



Well-Known Member
Higher humidity would slow it down. Not sure about leaving the leaves on, it's worth a shot. I may harvest this way.


New Member
That's no good for drying. You want about 50-60% humidity at around 72-78. So your temp are fine but you have to get that RH up some to dry slowly and evenly.

Your solution. ???? IDK Never had to deal with such low humidity levels. It wouldn't hurt I guess. Maybe trim day 2 of dry so it goes at least 5-7 days.