Low Life Autoflowering Mix - Grow Journal


Active Member
lookkn good bro thanks! there is slight yelllowing at the tips of the leaves i noticed is that ok ? im a noob at this im sorry just trying to gain some knowledge.. other than that looking nice and green :)
i had over fed them a little over a week ago thats why the tips are yellowing


Active Member
this is a sad day, this thread is now finished as of 4 am this morning all 6 females are dead the support for my light fell in the middle of the night and fried all of them it sucks bad i am pissed at myself for not fixing it when i had the time to do it monday


Well-Known Member
this is a sad day, this thread is now finished as of 4 am this morning all 6 females are dead the support for my light fell in the middle of the night and fried all of them it sucks bad i am pissed at myself for not fixing it when i had the time to do it monday

DAMN bro!!!!! Sorry to hear that, try again dont give up man!!!!bongsmilie Just be a bit more careful next time.


Active Member
that sucks man...but u wont give up if you really like growing...ive lost an entire harvest to mold cause i was impatient and careless...but ya that was prob one of the best lessons ive learned


minerals are minerals I have used mc for all my vegging now I do switch over to Botanicare Pure blend 1-4-5 for flower. But if you are doing soil then mc is all good now that I am going hydro no more mc for me just not made to do that.


Active Member
What's up. Normally I don't suggest people stop using chemical fertz because it sounds pretentious (no offense Kremmon), but I have to say I agree that Organics is simply the best for use on marijuana. Now I kinda feel impartial because I use a bit of MG 20-20-20 in my brief veging period but once it come to flowering it's all organic baby. One reason is I don't want to fuk-up my plant by overfertilizing it (not using it properly in other words), but it's easier to over-fertilize with chemical, so that kinda sucks. The Main reason is that by exposing yourself to some of these chemicals, you are potentially exposing future offsrping to mutations, and complications, trust me it's not pretty. If we're talking dollars it's not that much more expensive.
Also you mentioned your pot has never tasted funny, you wont taste chemicals altering your DNA. And dont tell Kremmon not to come onto your blog and "disrespect you". If you can't handle people giving you good advice, don't bother with Rollitup. You hear people say all different numbers of days for how long you should flush. Some people say 12 days, some say 14, on this very blog somebody said they flush for like 2 or 3 weeks. Most likely the truth is nobody knows for sure how long you need to flush before all trace chemicals are gone, or if they are ever all gone. Sure you can flush for like 4 weeks to be sure but where's all the nutrients your plant needs in that time. Chem-fertz are going the way of the dinosaur as far as marijuana is concerned, wait and see, or be a part of it.

Using organics is some of the best growing advice I got when I first joined this site, I would heed the advice all you MG representatives. (at least for flowering). Peace bras



Active Member
Is there nobody coming on here to defend Mg anymore? Sorry I didn't mean to scare anyone. I'm sure MG is fine when used properly. Just not risk I want to take anymore, knowing the amount of other toxins you contact from daily life.


Well-Known Member
i like mg its good for if its what u have. im movin over to organics. i like fox farm thats what im savin up to get. but just gotta becareful how strong u make ur water with mg


Active Member
I will be back soon, I already have another grow in the works right now i have a few more supplys to get and i will start a new thread under the CFL Growing subforum, ill give you guys a little spoiler"100% organic".:o
I use miracle grow along with Botanicare nutes...The MG has a high Nitrogen level so I use it mainly when I see signs of Nitrogen deficiency...I don't use at all during flowering
What the hell is wrong with sum people,why would you want to use MG on your little ones,there aint even the right NPK or micro nutes you need you clown,fuck smoking your weed,talk about metal mouth.