Low Life Auto Mix Pack - CFL


Active Member
My Soil:
Biodynamic Organic Compost - really good compost with, amongst other things, granite dust composted into it for minerals.
Composted Bark
Green Sand
Bone Meal 6-9-0
SuperBat Budswell (guano + worm castings) 0-7-0
Composted Coconut Coir

CFL Lights:
1-60W 5000K
- will add more later

I have two grow spaces side by side. One is a 12/12 on/off 1.5'w x 1.5'd x 3.5'h area. The other (this one) is a 20/4 on/off 4'w x 1.5'd x 3.5'h area. There is a bathroom vent fan pushing air from the large room to the small room. There is a heater in the large room. Air intake and exhaust is passive, through cracks.

67-82F, ~45% Hum

Alaska Fish 5-1-1
Alaska Morbloom Fish 0-10-10
Super Bat Guano 0-7-0


Active Member
I'm still experimenting with the shot intervals for time lapse. Plus I kind of have a narrow window for shooting time since a full camera battery loses charge within 5 hours.
There will be more better time lapse sequences as the grow continues.


Also here is a shot from the time lapse I'm doing now:



Active Member
Things are shaking alot in the video, cus everything is stacked on boxes to move the plants closer to the light. I bought an extra chain.


Active Member
Im down to four seedlings now. I was out of town for 3 days, so I wasn't able to water them and one died. Another one didn't grow very much cuz I put it in a bowl to keep it from drying out too much since it's pot was slightly smaller than the others. I guess this left it waterlogged for long enough to kinda fuck it up.

I put the remaining four into larger pots. Three seem to be doing well. Here are some pics:



Active Member
I watered them yesterday with a weak water and fish emulsion solution. Just a little for the weak plant. They seemed to have responded to the ferts well.
I am also experimenting with a mini bubbler. The temps in the water have been low, so I've been cranking up the heater, but I don't want the air to get too hot. We'll see how it works. I'd like to start the seedlings in there, and once the soil plants have been transplanted into their final pots and start getting tall, I'll move the two DWC seedlings into a gallon jug, and finally (when afforded room by the soil plants) into a five gallon bucket. I'm experimenting with the big bucket on other plants before I switch it to ganja.

**I think I might move the air pump up to the lights so it'll pump warm air from up there.



Active Member
The one that wasn't doing so well hasn't really made any progress. I put another sprout in that pot. I'll post pics when it takes. The rest are doing well, responding to the fish poo.



Active Member
Here are some pics. My biggest one and another are female (i forgot which one). The sprout that wasn't doing so well died, while a replacement seed has sprouted. By moving the air pump right in front of the heater i was finally able to get my water temps up to 65F in my 3 gal DWC bucket. The seed in the moist cotton is starting to sprout. I checked my water ph and it was ~7.3ish. Since the seed is on its way, I decided to add 1/4 strength 5-1-1 fish poo. I tested the ph and it looks to be ~6.0 or lower, but I dont know if thats cuz the fish poo makes the water murky brown and maybe thats throwing off the color. If anyone has suggestions, it would be appreciated.



Active Member
Man I've been really lazy/busy lately. Don't count on me doing any time lapse for a while. I will update with pics tomorrow though. The 3 females are making good progress. I just ordered a 400W HPS, so perhaps they will get a chance to spend a few weeks (I still have to build the larger cab) under 400 watts.