Low Key 2022 Garden

I baked some soil that is recycled and is a mixture from outdoor planters and indoor soil from potted plants. It had been sitting outside in bags on the ground over the winter. I only baked enough to fill a couple 72 cell starter trays so it wasn't any large project. After I baked it I inoculated it with JMS "JADAM Microbial Solution" and let it sit in a bucket for a week. I was concerned with bugs and bug eggs as I found some crawlies in it that I didn't want to bring inside as I was using my veg tent that had cannabis plants in it for starting my veggie and flower starts. I wouldn't bake soil to fill pots or anything.

I still have a few bags that I'll use for my outdoor plants this year but I won't be baking any of that. That wouldn't make any sense as the plants will be outside with all the bugs anyway. I just didn't want to bring ants, and other critters inside.
Do you do anything to roots when u transplant
Not when I do it from the little containers to the 1 gal or 3 gal bags, I use root growth stimulus when I put them into their final bags, I will throw the stuff in the hole and then put the plant in and I’ve noticed it makes a difference cause it’s pretty much getting bit of the roots
Not when I do it from the little containers to the 1 gal or 3 gal bags, I use root growth stimulus when I put them into their final bags, I will throw the stuff in the hole and then put the plant in and I’ve noticed it makes a difference cause it’s pretty much getting bit of the roots
Do you ruff the roots up so there not circle
Just filled most of my 100gals with a bunch of worms I just harvested, living soil indeed! Imma be putting a bunch of stuff in the soil, old food n all that so it can decompose n all that in the soil, but anyways I am gonna have to use native soil for my bigger bags I can’t afford to buy truck loads or anything right now sadly
Just do the best you can, based on how good they look so far I'm betting you'll do great. Use your organic common sense/Zen as far as what has worked from your growing experience and what you have available.
I'm in the same place budget wise. I really wanted to get a 5x5 tent before flipping this run to flower but life and a dead truck transmission had other plans lol. Now I have three girls wrestling for space in my 4x4 tent and I'm moving my light back and forth every 6 hours when I rotate the plants. It's a freaking jungle but once I do the final defoliation and lollipopping in a week I'll trim a few side branches that aren't up to snuff. I hate trimming popcorn buds and I just don't need to max out the yield this run to be honest. I'm more interested in the quality and health of the plants since it's my first run with all three strains. Can't wait to see your girls in the sunlight soon.
Just do the best you can, based on how good they look so far I'm betting you'll do great. Use your organic common sense/Zen as far as what has worked from your growing experience and what you have available.
I'm in the same place budget wise. I really wanted to get a 5x5 tent before flipping this run to flower but life and a dead truck transmission had other plans lol. Now I have three girls wrestling for space in my 4x4 tent and I'm moving my light back and forth every 6 hours when I rotate the plants. It's a freaking jungle but once I do the final defoliation and lollipopping in a week I'll trim a few side branches that aren't up to snuff. I hate trimming popcorn buds and I just don't need to max out the yield this run to be honest. I'm more interested in the quality and health of the plants since it's my first run with all three strains. Can't wait to see your girls in the sunlight soon.
Sadly I am strapped on cash, even tho I just 100$ for more soils lol, they’ve cut hours at work, then the price of everything just to live day to day, and my HVAC system fan motor burned out, I’m running out of room for mine as well the pics don’t do it justice lol but currently my little tent is empty so I still got room, I’m think I might start some more seeds tho and so an indoor grow to make it til croptober
Inflation is crazy and cost of living where I live is dirt cheap compared to most places. I'm lucky I live a simple life. I enjoy hunting and we eat plenty of our own venison I take from right here as well as turkey from Wounded Warrior hunts I get to go on. The price of beef and chicken has gone crazy. I used to grow most of our vegetables but my back has gotten too bad to let me handle the big outdoor garden. I'll still do a potato grow on the deck in a bucket and some mater's though for the wife. Every dollar counts with gas over 4 bucks a gallon.
Inflation is crazy and cost of living where I live is dirt cheap compared to most places. I'm lucky I live a simple life. I enjoy hunting and we eat plenty of our own venison I take from right here as well as turkey from Wounded Warrior hunts I get to go on. The price of beef and chicken has gone crazy. I used to grow most of our vegetables but my back has gotten too bad to let me handle the big outdoor garden. I'll still do a potato grow on the deck in a bucket and some mater's though for the wife. Every dollar counts with gas over 4 bucks a gallon.
The price on everything where I’m at is starting to skyrocket it’s ridiculous I normally have a small veggie garden every season I should start hunting cause you’re right the price of meat is crazy and it’s tasteless most of the time to me
Anyone ever put leaves and twigs in the bottom of their grow bags?
Been following this thread for a little while. I thought I would weigh in on this question. I have been growing outside for over four decades but never in bags. When I’m preparing a spot for next year I’ll put leaves in bottom of the holes. But I don’t think it’ll benefit you this season, in fact it could cause air pockets if you have to much. I make about a thousand gallons of compost soil a year and it will take me about nine months to go from fresh material to soil, I know it can be done faster but I don’t have the time to turn it .
The price on everything where I’m at is starting to skyrocket it’s ridiculous I normally have a small veggie garden every season I should start hunting cause you’re right the price of meat is crazy and it’s tasteless most of the time to me
Yeah, I love venison so much. The best part is it's 100% organic and free range. No hormones, anti biotics, crowded living conditions or any of the crap that store bought meat can be. I don't trophy hunt. I take a couple does every year for us and one for my neighbor that can't hunt but loves deer. She repays me with peanut butter fudge and pumpkin rolls that are really good. I have a ton of deer, bear and turkeys at my place. I'm really lucky to see so many cool animals. I heard a great horned owl when I took the dog out earlier tonight. I love those guys.
Been following this thread for a little while. I thought I would weigh in on this question. I have been growing outside for over four decades but never in bags. When I’m preparing a spot for next year I’ll put leaves in bottom of the holes. But I don’t think it’ll benefit you this season, in fact it could cause air pockets if you have to much. I make about a thousand gallons of compost soil a year and it will take me about nine months to go from fresh material to soil, I know it can be done faster but I don’t have the time to turn it .
I wish I had the time and resources to do 1000lbs of compost a year I thought about burying things during the fall and winter in the bags after harvest to keep the soil alive and what not
I’m thinking about pulling out a pink mizt and a Big Bruce x Purps #1 and let them flower in my tent, 2 or 3 reasons lol 1 to save on space indoors and out 2 to see what they do n how they look, and prob breed?? But I might take clones as well to do my breeding projects early and to have an indoor grow/crop